Fifth Level of Learning, Paper 6: How the Vedic Gods Set Up their Manipulative System

by Wes Penre, Written on Friday, August 1, 2014 
Posted on Sunday, January 25, 2014
Revised: Sunday, January 25, 2015
Second Revision: Saturday, January 31, 2015
Edited by Professor Bob Stannard

I. Introduction

Since I completed The Fourth Level of Learning, I’ve stumbled upon a lot of interesting information from the Sumerian time and from old Babylon. People are constantly sending me things they find being of interest, hoping that it may help me in my research, and very often, I must say, this is the case. I can’t name you all here in my paper, and many of you would probably prefer that I don’t, but I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for making such an effort to help out. On occasion, it has actually been so interesting that I have spent days to research further what you’ve sent me. I’m almost always so busy that I feel I don’t have the time I’d like to personally thank you all, so I’ll do it now—thank you very much (you know who you are!)

For those who are interested, a website was sent to me with Sumerian artifacts (there are lots of them). It would be quite educational to study each one of them in order to understand the symbolism and to figure out who is who amongst the gods who are depicted there. It’s a visual way to learn more about the Sumerian gods—I know there are many people out there for whom the easiest way to learn is by visualizing things. That’s the reason why I have pictures in my papers—otherwise, they would almost do as well without.

The web address with the artifact is located here:, and fig. 1 above is just one example of this big collection. It’s showing what they call an “Assyrian Gateway,” which is supposedly an old stargate that the interdimensional gods used in the ancient past to access our 3-D world. I spent some time on that site myself and found it intriguing, so I don’t want to deprive you from doing the same thing in case you would enjoy these kinds of things.

When I started researching and gathering material for this Fifth Level of Learning, I initially thought it was going to be one of the fastest levels, but instead it turned out to be the opposite. The Vedas are so extensive and interesting to dig into, and the majority of it—if not all—is directly connected to what we’ve discussed earlier. It’s more complex than any of the previous levels, but I have done my absolute best to simplify where I can. If you read through sections that seem hard to grasp, just do your best, and hopefully, as you move along in the texts, things will soon start to make sense. My hope is that the reader does not skip over any sections because they are all connected in one way or another.

This sixth paper will slowly but surely make the reader grasp how the AIF set up the Vedic system and why it was (and still certainly is) so important to know about. The next paper will go more deeply into which god is which in the Vedas and how they relate to Sumerian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and sometimes Norse mythology. Once the reader has grasped this entire concept, he or she will clearly understand mythology and how it works. Never again will any of us say that mythology is unimportant,or has very little to do with ancient history and visitation of star beings. Regardless what some so-called “scholars” or others might say, the reader will be able to hold his or her position in space and defend what he or she has learned. It’s powerful information!  

One of the great deceptions in the Vedic literature is the mentioning of an almost endless number of different gods, deities, and demons. As in the Sumerian texts (particularly in the translation of Zecharia Sitchin’s work), they are mentioned in such quantities that it is very hard to keep track of them. Fortunately—for us—all these names are basically referring back to only a few gods—very similar to what we are used to from Level IV, where all these different gods could be broken down to just a few important deities, who show up over and over again in our history. When we understand this, these mythologies and religions get an entirely new meaning, and that’s the entire purpose for it—we get to take a peek behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz, and we will see who is actually hiding there. By the way, this was exactly the purpose with the book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. I could say with confidence that L. Frank Baum, who wrote the book and published it on May 17, 1900, had inside information. He knew that there is a “secret wizard” behind the curtain in our reality as well, who is running the show by instigating fear and illusions. He also knew that this wizard (the Powers That Be) is very afraid of us and terrified to be exposed by the large public. The public at that time, however, was not at all ready for that book and couldn’t see the real meaning of it.  As with any great story, however, we can read it on different levels. Not until more than a hundred years after its publication did people start grasping what L.F. Baum had been writing about.

Unfortunately, his books have been heavily used in MK-ULTRA Mind Control. Some say Baum was working for the Illuminati, and perhaps he was, but many authors, such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, were initiated in secret societies, and their way of informing the public was through their books. I don’t think everything is black and white, and it’s up for debate what the original intentions behind such books as the Oz Series might have been. The Powers That Be love to hide the truth in plain sight, and a brilliant medium for that is in literature. Hence, it is quite impossible to say, unless we start a concentrated research on Baum and other authors, if they were part of the Global Elite or if they used novels to expose to the public to what they themselves had discovered.

II. Human Evolution According to the Vedic Literature  

Sexual relationships between humans and extraterrestrial races is common in the Vedic texts. One such union was carried out between a human hero, Bhīma, and Hidimbā, a Rākṣasa female. This is described in the Vedic text, Mahābhārata. Some readers may remember my description of the Rākṣasas in Paper #3, where I compared them with the wolfen-reptilian race from Sirius—a species I also discussed in Level II. These beings are—both according to the Vedas and my own research—very repulsive, and right-out dangerous, as they are both cannibalistic and lack any human sense of remorse. Still, the human hero had intercourse with one of the Rākṣasa women, and a hybrid offspring was the result. Although this could be considered genetic manipulation, this is not how the Mahābhārata describes it:

Quote #1: And while she love Bhīma everywhere, nimble as thought, the Rākṣasī gave birth to a son by the powerful Bhīmasena. He was a terrifying sight, squint-eyed, large-mouthed, needle-eared, loath-some-bodied, dark-red-lipped, sharp-tusked, and powerful, born a great archer of great prowess, great courage, great arms, great speed, great body, great wizardry, tamer of his foes. Inhuman, though born from a human, of terrible speed and great strength, he surpassed the Piśācas and other demons as he surpassed human beings.[1]  

Apparently, the odd couple stayed together while the child was little; thereafter, Hidimbā, the Rākṣasa woman, took off with the strange-looking hybrid child. The name of the child was Ghaṭotkaca, which means “Shiny-as-a-pot.” We’re told that although he looked more like a Rākṣasa, he was deeply loved amongst humans, which probably means that the boy had more human characteristics than Rākṣasī in general. Nevertheless, here is the oddity (in author Richard L. Thompson’s words):

Quote #2: No genetic manipulations were carried out by Bhīma and Hidimbā, but the Mahābhārata points out that Ghaṭotkaca had been created by Indra, the ruler of the Devas, so that he might destroy a certain warrior named Karṇa. This suggests that Indra engaged in genetic (or other) intervention at the time of Ghaṭotkaca’s conception.”[2]

Obviously, this appears to be genetic tinkering. Indra, who is mentioned in this quote, is Marduk’s counterpart, as revealed in Paper #4, and his motive for becoming involved in this interbreeding between two species was to protect his own hybrid son, the hero Arjuna, who is mentioned often in the Vedas (as a side note, all humanoid species in the Vedic texts are, in general, able to interbreed and produce fertile offspring. This, Thompson concludes, means that all these races must be genetically related to each other, and this shows to, indeed, be the case! “All humanoid races descend from male and female forms generated by Brahmā, the original created being. The Devas as among the descendants of these forms, and earthly human beings are descended from Devas along a number of different lines of ancestry.”)[3]

This is interesting, to say the least, but the Vedas indicate that the reason we can reproduce with any and all humanoid races in the Universe is because of evolution. This is what I mean when I say that the Vedas don’t support genetic engineering/manipulation (we will come to cloning later). 

Thompson, however, looks upon it the same way that I do—regardless of the “tone” in the Vedas, implying that no genetic tinkering was going on—the texts tell you otherwise if you read between the lines. Even if the Sages toned the genetic manipulation down, the fact remains—Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, in all their different forms and avatars, are made up of energy (and we’re talking about their interdimensional bodies now), and therefore, they contain DNA and RNA. The Vedas don’t make any secret that the two main Vedic gods (but also other lesser gods) interbred with the existing humans on Earth. This, per definition, is genetic manipulation.

Thompson writes about how the Vedas explain how humans came into existence:

Quote #3: The Vedic version is that earthly humans did descend from higher humanlike beings from other planets, but this was not by genetically engineered crosses between the higher beings and primitive ape-men living on the earth. Rather, it involved mating between Devas that generated human offspring through preplanned genetic transformations.

In general, the descendants of Brahmā on the level of Devas and higher were able to produce offspring that were not of their own bodily type. I have not seen specific descriptions of how this was done but I gather that it was preprogrammed by Brahmā. There is no indication that it was done by independent scientific research by the Devas. Rather, they seem to have simply made use of powers invested in them by Brahmā at an earlier stage of creation.[4]

The confusion is easily explained if we are aware of Planet Earth’s real history, going further back in time from when the AIF (Vishnu and Shiva) came into the picture. Brahmā is such a general term, so really—which Brahmā are we discussing, and in which context? Well, with the knowledge that the reader has at this point, the last sentence in Quote #3 becomes quite obvious—that sentence indicates genetic manipulation! The “powers” that Thompson is talking about  is simply the genetic science that Lord Vishnu/Lucifer/ learned from when he had been a pupil of his mother—the Goddess. Still, the Goddess didn’t teach Her son everything, and therefore, Lord Vishnu (as Brahmā) didn’t know how to create a species from scratch—he had to have something existent to work with, so he started working with the existing “ape-men,” which generally means the Neanderthals, and later, with Homo Erectus. If you, the reader, review Thompson’s statement above, it will now have an entirely new meaning, unless you grasped it already after the first read. To Thompson (and many others), it’s a riddle because he is not aware that the real Creation of mankind took place before Lord Vishnu and his group of demigods entered the stage.

I’d like to further illustrate Thompson’s point because I think that many people who are not educated on what is presented in these papers, more often than not, share Thompson’s problem. By illustrating Thompson’s thoughts, the reader may potentially have an easier time discussing these matter with others, who are missing some stages in the learning process.

Quote #4: …suppose we want to produce a new computer program by combining independently written machine language programs from two different computers. Even if the two programs did similar things, they would probably do them using completely different internal coding, and thus they would be incompatible with each other. In such a situation, even the most advanced computer expert would find it easier to create the new program from scratch than to get the two incompatible program to work together. (Or he might prefer to produce the new program by modifying one of the existing programs.)

The Vedic account avoids the genetic incompatibility problem by starting with Devas and positing a transformation that alters the Deva form. The resulting human form is different from the Deva form but is apparently close enough to it that crossbreeding between humans and Devas is possible.[5]

I think this is how many people think, but with the knowledge gained in these papers, the extended information on what happened before the AIF arrived nicely puts the puzzle pieces together. I am sure the reader can see this, too. Without this information, there will be confusion and very hard for the truth-seeker to make sense of the Creation process.

Last, Thompson uses an analogy that I like—something we all can use when we explain this to people who are eager to learn about it (I’m putting the applicable sentence in italics).

Quote #5: Note that the need to convert genetic information from a subtle form to a gross form does not constitute an insurmountable barrier. Information is abstract, and the same information can be stored using different types of energy. Converting information from subtle to gross is comparable to converting text from computer-coded electrical signals to print on paper.[6]

There are more contradictions in the Vedas concerning genetic manipulation versus no genetic manipulation. However, there is one section in particular that describes genetic manipulation of the kind I have emphasized in previous levels of learning. I argued that not only did Lord and his scientists focus on creating a human species for slave labor, but they also tested many subspecies, looking far from human. The reason for doing so was multifaceted—sometimes they did it “for fun,” other times they did it to see how far they could take their science, and there were other times when they needed other types of beings to assist them with chores other than what would suit a human. One such example would be the centaur—a working horse with a human (mainly male) head—who they could use to transport things from one location to another when the distance was not too far. I would assume that the reason for the human head was to create a creature with higher intelligence than a regular horse.

In the Bhāgavata Purāṇa, a human tyrannical king was killed, and the Sages who killed him, at the same time considered particular qualities that the king possessed would be valuable to preserve. In doing so, a section of typical genetic manipulation is described:

Quote #6: After making a decision, the saintly persons and sages churned the thighs of the dead body of King Vena with great force and according to a specific method. As a result of this churning, a dwarflike person was born from King Vena’s body.

This person born from King Vena’s thighs was named Bāhuka, and his complexion was as black as a crow’s. All the limbs of his body were very short, his arms and legs were short, and his jaws were large. His nose was flat, his eyes were reddish, and his hair copper-colored.[7]

It sounds like the Sages took DNA from the King’s thighs, used a certain method that is not detailed, and created a totally different being. The story continues, and apparently, the Sages also created other beings out of King Vena’s body, who looked different from both the King and the dwarf.

ii.i. Cloning in Ancient Times

Although the above is more genetic manipulation than cloning, straight and outright cloning was also an issue in Vedic times—both when it comes to humans and animals. According to the Rig Veda and the Purāṇa, cloning was done as far back as 14,000 years ago![8] In reality, it was done much further back than that, but it’s interesting enough that there are records going back 14,000 years, describing something that modern science thought was impossible just half a century ago.

Dr. Padmakar Vishnu Vartak (M.B.B.S., F.U.W.A.I., Ph.D (Literature) [Washington DC), author of the book, Scientific Knowledge in the Vedas,[9] also wrote a research paper based on the Indian Rig Veda and Bhāgavata Purāṇa texts, where he says:

Quote #7: Vasistha and Agastya were test tube babies produced in a utensil named as Vasatiwara, by Mitra and Varuna. (RV 7-33-13). Even, Cloning was successfully done by the three brothers, the famous Rubhus. They produced a horse from another horse and a cow from the skin of a cow. I had told this discovery to in the first meeting of the Veda Vidnyana Mandal in 1976; but everybody laughed, saying if the modern science can not do it, how is it possible for the Vedic people? However after 21 years Cloning was performed in the modern world in 1997 when a lamb was produced from udder of a sheep, which is a part of skin. Therefore the Vedic principle of cloning appears correct. It proves that the Vedas have recorded only the principles on which we have to work hard.

The same Rubhus had divided one ‘Chamasa’ into four. Chamasa was not an ordinary pot of clay or metal. If it was so it could not have been divided into four. Hence it must have been some special. peculiar pot.

The meaning is present in the name ‘Chamasa’ itself. The root ‘Cham’ means to drink and eat. The root ‘As’ means to live. Therefore Chamasa means a pot of life energy. The word ‘Chit Chamasa’ is also used by the Rigveda, which suggests a Chamasa having Chit or Chetana or Manas. Thus Chit-Chamasa means a living cell. A fertilised egg can be called as Chit Chamas. It was divided into four by Rubhus. It means Rubhus evolved four animals from a single zygote or fertilised ovum. Such experiments are done in the modern science and four animals are produced from a single zygote.[10]

Bhāgavata Purāṇa and Rig Veda are full of stories openly related to cloning, and they would be too many to include here. One of the most interesting, however, is from the Purāṇa and speaks of a being, Daksha, who was asked by the Supreme to procreate living creatures. The texts say that he produced 10,000 sons by cloning his own cells (and some translations say that these 10,000 clones were all created from the cells of his son). These clones were called Hayashvas (Joyful Horses). Again, if we, for argument’s sake, disregard that there was at least one intelligent race of human beings on Earth before Lord Vishnu appeared here, one can say that these clones can be considered the first human clones, and all of them are said, not only to have been identical, but also to be ascetics.

After a first success, the same cloning procedure was performed again and even a third time. The third time, Daksha’s wife, Ashini, gave birth to sixty daughters. Of these, thirteen are said to have married a divine personage called Kashyapa (it’s interesting how this being keeps popping up every so often).[11] Kashyapa and his wife had offspring from having normal intercourse—thus, every human being after that is therefore an offspring of Kashyapa and Daksha’s thirteen daughters. In other words, as soon as normal intercourse came into the picture, it instantly ended the cloning process, and each body after that was unique in its characteristics.

Not only is this a story about cloning en masse, but it also tells us, between the lines, who is the father of humanity. In this story, he is called Kashyapa, but with some basic research, we can easily discover who this character is. Wikipedia says:

Quote #8: Kashyapa was the father of the devas, asuras, nāgas and all of humanity. He married Aditi, with whom he fathered Agni, the Adityas, and most importantly Lord Vishnu took his fifth Avatar as Vamana, the son of Aditi, in the seventh Manvantara.[5] With his second wife, Diti, he begot the Daityas. Diti and Aditi were daughters of King Daksha Prajapati and sisters to Sati, Shiva’s consort. Kashapa [sic] received the earth, obtained by Parashurama’s conquest of King Kartavirya Arjuna and henceforth, earth came to be known as “Kashapai”.[12]

The above short paragraph comes across as utterly confusing to the average person, but it gives us a lot of valuable information. It says that Kashyapa is the “father” of all the groups of beings which I discussed with you in a previous paper. Thus, the Vedas state that this person, through cloning or genetic manipulation, created all these monsters and men. There are many reason not to believe this to be true because these groups of beings originate in different star systems and also fit very well into the research done in Level IV. However, important in Quote #8 is that Kashyapa “received the earth,” and “earth came to be known as ‘Kashapai.’”

Another Wikipedia entry tells us that Kashyapa is the “father of humanity.”[13] This sounds very similar to a certain Lord Thus, hidden in plain sight, it says in the Vedas that Lord is the creator of mankind! In the Vedic texts, is known as Lord Vishnu, and moreover, Kashyapa and more than likely seem to be one and the same.

While we are on the topic of cloning, genetic manipulation, and breeding in general, another important note should be made. A person who is into researching the UFO phenomenon, alien abductions, and the exopolitical scene, doesn’t need to do so for very long until he or she stumbles upon the idea that cosmic beings—regardless whether they are humanoid or reptilian in appearance—can interbreed with humanity and create hybrid offspring. Very often, this is taken almost for granted—something “everybody knows” these days. This is also something that stems from the Vedas, where it’s said that humanoid races in the Universe can interbreed and create fertile offspring.[14] However, it doesn’t say anything about reptilian beings, unless they, too, are considered “humanoid.” Then, when the researcher digs a little deeper, he or she will run into Sitchin’s work or that of other researchers, having similar views as Sitchin had, i.e. that humanity was created by the “Anunnaki” through genetic engineering. Still, according to the same category of researchers, the ET visitors also seemed to be able to interbreed with humanity, creating hybrid, fertile offspring. This is to be understood as being possible because humanity already had much of the visitors’ DNA. However, even other races, who were not directly involved with “creating” Homo sapiens (sapiens), mysteriously, seem to be able to create fertile—and sometimes unfertile—offspring with us humans.

This is incorrect. To begin with, it’s very rare that star races travel in spaceships in 3-D between the star systems. In almost all cases, the visitors—wherever they may have originated from—are interdimensional. This means that to us, they are just “energy beings.” They may consider themselves having a solid body, but this body is much less dense than ours (the analogy with the computer signals and the printed out paper again comes in handy). Thus, it is not plausible that interbreeding can happen between races in that sense.

However, regardless of how dense a star being’s body is, it does consist of DNA, but in order to create human hybrids, it has to be done through genetic tampering between the races—in other words, through technology. I am saying this to make the reader aware of the fact—it’s obvious when we think back on what we have learned, but sometimes, we humans still don’t put two and two together, so a thing like this is definitely worth mentioning. I’m sure there are many people who haven’t connected these dots, albeit they may have read the papers.

III. The Lord of Karma, The Shadow Planet, and the Black Sun        

Let us discuss how karma works, which god is associated with karma in the Vedas, and how mankind is partly controlled by something called The Black Sun and the Shadow Planet. I am sure the reader will find this interesting, and even better—we are about to expand our knowledge on how the AIF is keeping us trapped. It’s all explained in the Vedas.

Here is a short quote to begin with:

Quote #9: In Hindu astrology Ketu represents karmic collections both good and bad, spirituality and supernatural influences. Ketu is associated with the Meena Avatar (Fish Incarnation) of Vishnu.[15]

Here is a new god we need to discuss. Don’t worry—you don’t need to memorize all these gods. In the future, if I have to refer back to them again, I will give references back to which paper I exposed them in and also give a brief synopsis in the future paper, so the reader can follow the trail.

Quote #8 stated that Ketu represents karma. That is a very important statement. Well, who then is “Ketu?” We don’t need to look far to find out. It states, clear as a day, that Ketu is an avatar of the “Fish incarnation” of Vishnu.

One after the other, the exposures I made—particularly in Level IV—are now, one after the other, being proven! Vishnu is of course—we have already established that—but not any incarnation of—here we get a reference to the Fish god depiction of the Orion Lord—he who goes under many names, such as Oannes, Poseidon, and Neptune.

What is it that we have learned here? We now know that Ketu equals Vishnu, equals Oannes, Poseidon, and Neptune. We also know that all these entities are different incarnations of Lord, who is also known as Ea and Lucifer (still, these are only a very few of his personae). BUT, foremost, we know that, in the incarnation as the Fish god, has something to do with our karma. This, I believe, is very important and interesting.

Let us find out more.

Quote #10: Ketu signifies the spiritual process of the refinement of materialization to spirit and is considered both malefic and benefic, as it causes sorrow and loss, and yet at the same time turns the individual to God.  In other words, it causes material loss in order to force a more spiritual outlook in the person. Ketu is a karaka or indicator of intelligence, wisdom, non-attachment, fantasy, penetrating insight, derangement, and psychic abilities. Ketu is believed to bring prosperity to the devotee’s family, removes the effects of snakebite and illness arising out of poisons. He grants good health, wealth and cattle to his devotees. Ketu is the lord of three nakshatras or lunar mansions: Ashvini, Magha and Mula.[16]

Well, that doesn’t sound too bad, does it? Remember that when you see the description of a god, probably regardless of religion or myth, and this god is associated with “wisdom,” you are reading about Lord He is the snake in the Garden of Edin, and the snake is associated (amongst other things) with wisdom (but also deception, manipulation, and betrayal). He may have wisdom, but he is very selective with whom he shares this wisdom.

Here it says that Ketu is an indicator of wisdom, which is another hint to who he is. As Fish gods, Lord, in all these incarnations, is known as the “teacher.” If the reader recalls, Oannes came up from the ocean in the evenings and started teaching humans certain things—particularly practical things humans could do to speed up their evolution. The era of excessive gold mining was over (although mining was still going on, both here on Earth and in other places in the solar system), and needed mankind for other purposes. Some people point at these instances when taught mankind a lot of things and used this as proof that was benevolent and wanted good things for mankind. The way I see it, though, based on the research I’ve done, is that and his cohorts taught mankind exactly what they wanted us to know and nothing more. There was always a purpose behind these schoolings, and albeit one could say that mankind benefited from them in the sense that we learned more things—things related both to the material and the spiritual—the reason for the education was always “Service to Self,” for those who want to use this term—in other words, the ones who gained from the education in the long run were the Alien Invader Force—the AIF!

Now, if we go back to Quote #10, we also see that Ketu is the lord of three nakshatras (lunar mansions)—Ashvini, Magha, and Mula. A nakshatra is one of 27 (sometimes 28) sectors along the ecliptic[17] and is associated with Hindu astrology.

Let’s continue:

Quote 11: Ketu is generally referred to as a “shadow” planet. It is believed to have a tremendous impact on human lives and also the whole creation. In some special circumstances it helps someone achieve the zenith of fame. Ketu is often depicted with a gem or star on his head signifying a mystery light.[18]

Now, in order to summarize this—Ketu is associated with supernatural influences regarding karma (good and bad), he is the Lord of three lunar mansions, and is referred to as a “shadow” planet. The word “shadow” in this sense would mean a “reflection” of something that is there, but can’t physically be seen, but people here on Earth feel the effects from it. This makes me think about a link between “shadow planets,” the “unseen,” and the “real” world. We begin to see how “unseen” shadow planets affect the lives of everyday man via “lunar mansions,” or “lunar nodes.”

The reader may recall from Level IV how and his son sometimes switched places in our mythologies. Two examples of this are when Marduk, at times, played the role of YHWH, although was the one who first took on this character, and then we have Nergal/, who descended to the Underworld and took Queen Ereškigal as his consort. When he later lost his manhood in a battle with his brother in the Rigelian War, he let his fertile son, Marduk, take over the role as Nergal.

The above are just two such examples, and it’s not just the Sumerian texts that discuss this—we have it in the Vedas, too! As I’ve showed, Ketu is said to have been an Avatar of Vishnu, in the form of a Fish god, but here, father and son ( and Marduk/Shiva/Indra) swapped roles, and Marduk, in his incarnation as Indra, took over the role of Ketu. After the following evidence of this, we’ll get to the point, and I am going to summarize what all this means.

Quote #12: In ancient Tamil astrological scripts, Ketu was considered an incarnation of Indra. During a war with Asuras, Indra was defeated and took a passive form and a subtle state as Ketu.[19]

As we can see—when it suited Lord, he and his son switched places. This is quite significant because now we have another important link—Indra (Marduk) getting associated with the Shadow Planet, i.e. the “unseen.” If we extend this thread, who in Egypt was connected with the “unseen?” It was Ra—“Amon Ra,” which means “Hidden Ra!” Moreover, “Ra” in Egypt is connected with the Sun (Ra being the sun god), and here we are talking about a shadow planet. If the reader recalls from Paper #3—in the Vedas, suns (stars) and planets are often the same thing. Let’s just keep that in mind for now. Below is some more association to whom Indra is, in comparison to other religions and myths. We notice that Indra is the equivalent not only of Marduk, but also of Thor in Norse mythology, Zeus in Greece, and Dionysus/Bacchus in Roman-Greek mythology.

Quote #13: Aspects of Indra as a deity are cognate to other Indo-European gods; they are either thunder gods such as Thor, Perun, and Zeus, or gods of intoxicating drinks such as Dionysus. The name of Indra (Indara) is also mentioned among the gods of the Mitanni, a Hurrian-speaking people who ruled northern Syria from ca.1500BC-1300BC.[20]

Now, concerning the Sun, which is connected to Indra and Marduk Ra (Amon Ra):

Quote #14: In Hindu tradition, Rahu ( ) is a severed head of an asura that swallows the sun causing eclipses. He is depicted in art as a serpent with no body riding a chariot drawn by eight black horses. Rahu is one of the navagrahas (nine planets) in Vedic astrology and is paired with Ketu. The time of day considered to be under the influence of Rahu is called Rahu kala and is considered inauspicious.[21]

Here is another Hindu god, “paired with Ketu.” From what we so far have concluded, Ketu can be either or Marduk, respectively, because they took over each other’s persona at times. In this quote, Rahu is related to the Sun, and paired with Ketu, which more than likely would associate him with Marduk, the Sun god. In Hindu tradition, he is said to be swallowing the Sun, causing eclipses. However, as an analogy, swallowing the sun can also mean making it “unseen,” as we talked about earlier. We start seeing a connection between the Shadow Planet and the “Black Sun” that the Nazis talked about in their secret religion, but is also mentioned a lot in many secret societies, such as the German Thule Gesellschaft and the Vril Society. The Black Sun is here mentioned as the Shadow Planet. Does the reader begin to see a correlation between the Shadow Planet/the Black Sun, and dark matter?

To bring a better understanding of whom Rahu is, we will notice, after some research, that he is connected with Shakti. We briefly mentioned Shaktism in a previous paper as originally being the Religion of the Mother Goddess, but it was hijacked by the AIF, and instead of acknowledging the real Primordial Creatrix as Shakti, Queen Ereškigal, the Queen of the Underworld, took over that role. With this in mind, we have a direct link between Ketu, Rahu, and Shakti (italicsare mine):

Quote #15:  According to legend, during the Samudra manthan, the asura Rahu drank some of the amrita (divine nectar). The sun and moon realized it and alerted Mohini (the female avatar of Vishnu). Mohini cut off the asura’s head before the nectar could pass his throat. The head, however, remained immortal due to the effect of amrita and became Rahu.

It is believed that this immortal head from time to time swallows the sun, causing eclipses. Then, the sun passes through the opening at the neck, ending the eclipse. The body also turned into Ketu due to a boon, and it in turn swallows the moon on timely basis to cause a lunar eclipse.

Various names are assigned to Rahu in Vedic texts including: the chief, the advisor of the demons, the minister of the demons, ever-angry, the tormentor, bitter enemy of the luminaries, lord of illusions, one who frightens the Sun, the one who makes the Moon lustreless, the peacemaker, the immortal (having drunk the divine nectar), bestower of prosperity and wealth and ultimate knowledge.

In ancient Tamil astrological scripts, Rahu was considered as incarnation of Shakti in beastly form.[22]

Vedic literature can be quite complex at times in order to transmit the message it’s supposed to, so please bear with me. Things will get easier to understand as we go along.

In this case, we see Rahu in the end taking a female form, as “Shakti in beastly form,” which would hint at that we are not talking about the Primordial Shakti (Mother Goddess), but the impostor, Queen Ereškigal.

The more we learn about the Vedic traditions and the more we start thinking in terms of this particular type of mythology, the more we feel able to see through the complexity and read the real message behind the story. In this case—in its own allegorical form—we are recapitulating what we discussed just previous to Quote #15. We have Ketu ( transforming into Rahu (Marduk’s “transformation” into Ketu), and lastly Rahu’s/Marduk’s association with Shakti/Ereškigal. Rahu and Shakti are not the same deity, which will be clear if we read this quote in its entirety. It is simply telling the correlation between these three beings in an allegorical form.

According to Quote #13, Rahu “frightens the Sun” to become “unseen,” and does the same with the Moon, by swallowing it, causing lunar eclipses. Again, we have the truth in plain sight, explaining that the gods are in fact controlling us from the KHAA, the VOID (dark matter).

Thus far in the different Levels of Learning, I have mostly been writing about how Lord Ea and Lord Marduk are controlling us through a hologram that in a complex form works similar to a computer system—we often call this “The Matrix.” The Vedas, however, also gives hints that “Maya,” the “illusion” (hologram), which is also referred to as gross matter, is what we should beware of. Still, per definition, real manipulation, i.e. the source of it, is not what is seen, but the “unseen.” The hints are many but are yet not understood by the majority who study the Vedas and Hindu religion in general—the manipulation is originating from dark matter, i.e. the KHAA.

Now, what is the significance of this? Does it mean that Lord Ea is in total control of the KHAA, and can use it however he wants to, for any means? The answer is fortunately no, but just because he is the instigator of the 4% Universe—the universe we can perceive with our 5 senses—it doesn’t mean that he is stuck in Maya. Lucifer, if we go back in time, was cast out of “Heaven the Orion Empire,” but not from the KHAA. Since the rebellion, he has conquered a lot of space and created his own empire, albeit not nearly as vast as Orion. I have mentioned quite a few asterisms, stars, planets, and spatial regions that now belong to Lucifer, and I have showed pictures of many of these regions in the papers, so the reader can get a better visual perspective of what I’m writing about, but however vast we consider the Milky Way Galaxy and the rest of the perceived Universe to be, it’s only a tiny part of what is really out there. The real empires, consisting of x number of star systems, are counted from within the KHAA, not from the 4% Universe perspective. Hence, we still have a very limited idea of how huge both Lucifer’s and The Goddess’ empires really are. Sooner or later we all have to grasp these concepts, and the sooner we can start confronting these enormous spatial distances and quantities, the better. We do this, not by looking up into the night-sky, trying to see beyond what we perceive is up there, but to look inside. This whole, enormous universe we call the KHAA or the VOID, is basically inside of us all.

However, if we still talk about the “outside universe,” for the sake of these papers (and because it’s easier to grasp for now, and easier to relay), we think we see the entire Sun when we’re looking up or when we’re looking at pictures of it. The same thing can be said about the Earth, the Moon, the planets, the stars, and the galaxies. Instead, to get a better picture of how it really works, we can think of a float at the end of a fishing rod. Once we throw out the line, the float sinks halfway. Half of it stays above the surface and half of it stays below. If we think of the float as a planet, a star, etc., we can get a picture of how it works. The part above the surface is what we are allowed to perceive with our five senses, but there is another, unseen part of the celestial body that extends into the KHAA. That part we can’t see.

IV. Mother Goddess and the Theft of Amrita, the Elixir of Immortality

In previous levels of learning, I argued that the Elixir of Immortality, or the Tree of Life, as it’s often called as well, is a mix of two things—gold and the menstrual blood of the Mother Goddess. In the extremely old legend, this Elixir was called Soma in Orion language, but is known as Amrita in the Vedic texts.

Gold is said to be used by the gods, mainly for two things—either to enhance the atmosphere on certain planets (particularly those that the AIF uses in combat—the hollowed-out planets,) or to enhance the life of the AIF’s bodies. There are those who have seen the AIF snort gold like cocaine or heroin, appearing as if they were addicted to the substance. Gold, however, does not give a being immortality—it “only” prolongs the being’s life with a few million years or so, if it is inhaled regularly. This is only used when there is no access to Soma.[23]

In ancient times, before the Earth was even born, the Queen of the Stars kept Her Soma very hidden. Only those who really deserved it could have it, and it was not restricted to Her own royal bloodline—She shared it with everyday people, too, if She considered it appropriate. There was even a time when She decided to share it with everybody, but she noticed that there were certain personalities who never learned and created havoc wherever they went. Hence, She only distributed it to a few selected beings—I believe not even received it from his mother.

Unfortunately, an unknown quantity of Soma was stolen from the Queen by someone, or a band of beings, and the liquid later came into the hand of the AIF. There was not enough to give out to everybody, so in Lucifer’s hierarchy, only his most trusted men got some of it.

iv.i. The Aquatic Bird Tribe Revisited, and the Birth of Garuda

Fig. 7. Garuda, the Giant Humanoid Bird.

We have now and then discussed the Bird Tribe when we have discussed the AIF—I have argued that some of the star races within this rebellious group are of an Aquatic Bird Tribe—one of these beings is Lucifer himself (think Lucifer/angel/wings). The reader might ask how that can be when his mother is a Dragon? Well, She is, but his father is of the Aquatic Bird Tribe—a star race that seems to be quite common in this part of the galaxy. This makes Lucifer a hybrid between the primordial Dragon Race and the ancient Aquatic Bird Tribe (ABT). Also, if we think about it—according to our own scientists, the birds stem from the dinosaurs, which equates them with reptiles and dragons.

It’s high time that we let the Giant Bird Garuda enter the stage because he is of great importance in the story of our planet. The Story of Garuda is told in the first book of the great war epic, Mahabharata.

Quote #16: The Garuda (Sanskrit: गरुड़ garuḍa) is a large mythical bird, bird-like creature, or humanoid bird that appears in both Hindu and Buddhist mythology. Garuda is the mount (vahana) of the Lord Vishnu. Garuda is the Hindu name for the constellation Aquila. The Brahminy kite and Phoenix are considered to be the contemporary representations of Garuda. Indonesia adopts a more stylistic approach to the Garuda’s depiction as its national symbol, where it depicts a Javanese eagle (being much larger than a kite).[24]

So far, we have learned that Garuda is connected with Lord Vishnu, and that he is associated with the constellation Aquila—and not only that—Garuda is the Hindu name for Aquila. Why is this so significant? It’s of importance because “Aquila” means eagle in Latin and is the bird which carries Zeus’/Jupiter’s thunderbolt in old Greco-Roman mythology. This is another way of saying that Zeus, Jupiter, and Garuda are one and the same, namely Lord Marduk. We know this because I have already proven on different occasions that Zeus and Jupiter are Marduk. Aquila has also been mentioned in previous papers as being an asterism conquered by the AIF.

Let us continue. This is a somewhat long quote, but it’s important that I include it all.

Quote  #17: According to the epic, when Garuda first burst forth from his egg, he appeared as a raging inferno equal to the cosmic conflagration that consumes the world at the end of every age. Frightened, the gods begged him for mercy. Garuda, hearing their plea, reduced himself in size and energy.

Garuda’s father was the creator-rishi Kasyapa. He had two wives, Vinata and Kadru, who were daughters of Prajapathi Daksha. Kasyapa, on the pleadings of his wives, granted them their wishes; Vinata wished for two sons and Kadru wished for thousand snakes as her sons. Both laid eggs, while the thousand eggs of Kadru hatched early (after steaming the eggs to hatch) into snakes, the hatching of two eggs of Vinata did not take place for a long time. Impatient, Vinata broke open one egg, which was half formed with the upper half only as a human and was thus deformed. Her half formed son cursed her that she would be slave for her sister (she was her rival) for a long time by which time her second son would be born who would save her from his curse; her first son who flew away and came to prominence as Aruna, the red spectacle seen as the Sun rises in the morning, and as also charioteer of the Sun. The second egg hatched after a long time during which period Vinata was the servant of her sister as she had lost a bet with her. When the second egg hatched, a fully grown, shining and of mighty sized bird form emerged as Garuda, the king of birds. Garuda was thus born.[5]

One day, Vinata entered into and lost a foolish bet, as a result of which she became enslaved to her sister. Resolving to release his mother from this state of bondage, Garuda approached the serpents and asked them what it would take to purchase her freedom. Their reply was that Garuda would have to bring them the elixir of immortality, also called amrita. It was a tall order. The amrita at that time found itself in the possession of the gods, who guarded it zealously, since it was the source of their immortality. They had ringed the elixir with a massive fire that covered the sky. They had blocked the way to the elixir with a fierce mechanical contraption of sharp rotating blades. And finally, they had stationed two gigantic poisonous snakes next to the elixir as deadly guardians.

Undaunted, Garuda hastened toward the abode of the gods intent on robbing them of their treasure. Knowing of his design, the gods met him in full battle-array. Garuda, however, defeated the entire host and scattered them in all directions. Taking the water of many rivers into his mouth, he extinguished the protective fire the gods had thrown up. Reducing his size, he crept past the rotating blades of their murderous machine. And finally, he mangled the two gigantic serpents they had posted as guards. Taking the elixir into his mouth without swallowing it, he launched again into the air and headed toward the eagerly waiting serpents. En route, he encountered Vishnu. Rather than fight, the two exchanged promises. Vishnu promised Garuda the gift of immortality even without drinking from the elixir, and Garuda promised to become Vishnu’s mount.[25]

Now, let’s break this down. Garuda was apparently a ferocious “bird,” and the other gods were afraid of what would become of him, so attempts were made to calm him down (decrease his size). Who else is known for his uncontrolled temper? Marduk.

His father was Kashyapa, whom we stumbled upon earlier in this paper, and who we established to be the equivalent to It is therefore reasonable to believe that Garuda is another avatar of Marduk/Shiva.

It says in the quote that Kashyapa had two wives in this incarnation—at least, so the story is told. We know that is a very sexual being, to say the least, and the “thousand snakes” that he sired could very well symbolize his fertility, and how he had sex left and right, as often as he could. After all these other eggs had hatched, Garuda’s egg hatched last, and a full-grown bird was born—Garuda, who became the King of Birds (or the King of the Bird Tribe, in opposition to Khan En.lil, who is the real King of the Bird Tribe).

Eventually, Garuda steals the Amrita from the gods and keeps it in his mouth without swallowing it. He makes a deal with Vishnu, who is actually his father, that he, Garuda, gets to take part of the Elixir if he becomes Vishnu’s mount, which Garuda agrees to.

The texts show here that some Elixir was stolen from the Goddess at one time, and was now—albeit tightly guarded—in the possession of the rebelling gods.

The story ends with Garuda being able to release Vinata, but tricks the serpents, who still find some droplets of Amrita in the grass—they quickly lick it up, but cut their tongues on the glass; thereafter, serpents have always had split tongues and shed their skins as a symbolic form of immortality.[26] Interestingly enough, Anton Parks, in his allegedly self-experienced epic The Ages of Uraš, writes about the great alien reptilians having to shed their skins in order to stay immortal.[27]

This section has showed us that even in great details, the different religions and mythologies overlap each other and tell the same story, only in different words. Not only that—if we only study one piece of mythology, e.g. the Sumerian texts, we only get part of the story. Albeit they often tell the same thing, they also complement each other. This is one of the main reasons why I decided to add Level V to the Wes Penre Papers—I noticed as the research progressed that the Vedas really added to the picture, so this level needed to be written for you, the readers, to get the information you need. As we continue, I think you will see more and more how true this is (adding other mythologies to the story would potentially expand our knowledge even more, but I do have the feeling that, even if we may not get to include everything, we have what we need for the purpose of these papers).

V. The Mother Goddess Component in the Patriarchal Vedic Texts

In order to understand how the AIF has twisted and turned the Mother Goddess religion to fit into their own patriarchal religions, based on worship, let’s first recapitulate a little bit and look into Shaktism, which basically was the practice of the Mother Goddess religion.

Quote #18: Shaktism regards Devi (lit., ‘the Goddess’) as the Supreme Brahman itself, the “one without a second”, with all other forms of divinity, female or male, considered to be merely her diverse manifestations.  In the details of its philosophy and practice, Shaktism resembles Shaivism. However, Shaktas (Sanskrit: Śākta, शाक्त), practitioners of Shaktism, focus most or all worship on Shakti, as the dynamic feminine aspect of the Supreme Divine. Shiva, the masculine aspect of divinity, is considered solely transcendent, and his worship is usually relegated to an auxiliary role.[28]   

So far, so good, except that in the beginning, there was no worship involved. Mother Goddess, in all of Her incarnations known to me , dislikes worship because it goes against Universal Laws (rightfully so), and the being who’s worshiped gets all the power from the being who worships, who in his/her turn is getting deprived of his/her power. This is contrary to the Goddess’ intentions when She was creating this universe. One may argue that worship in that case is also a part of Free Will because anyone can do whatever they want if they take the consequences, and in certain terms this is true. However, a being who is not being led into manipulation would never worship anybody anyway. There is a Law of Free Will, but there are other subsequent laws as well, whereof one is not to interfere with an evolving race! This is something the AIF is finding themselves guilty of on a continuous basis, and this is the problem the Goddess has with this kind of behavior—besides the fact that it almost always leads to violence and death.

Ramaprasad Chanda (1873-1942) was an Indian historian and archaeologist from Bengal and a pioneer in his field in South Asia. He wrote the following on the development of Durga, who is the most popular incarnation of Devi (Mother Goddess) and one of the main forms of the Goddess Shakti in the Hindu pantheon—from primitive goddess to her current form:

Quote #19: …it is possible to distinguish two different strata – one primitive and the other advanced. The primitive form of Durga is the result of syncretism of a mountain-goddess worshiped by the dwellers of the Himalaya and the Vindhyas, a goddess worshiped by the nomadic Abhira shepherd, the vegetation spirit conceived as a female, and a war-goddess. As her votaries advanced in civilization the primitive war-goddess was transformed into the personification of the all-destroying time (Kali), the vegetation spirit into the primordial energy (Adya Sakti) and the saviouress from “samsara” (cycle of rebirths) , and gradually brought into line with the Brahmanic mythology and philosophy.[29]

Now it is getting pretty interesting. We can see how the Goddess in the beginning was personified by the Queen of the Stars, who came down to Earth to set up the Living Library together with Her Helpers. Chanda is talking about a “mountain-goddess,” whom we referred to in Level IV as Ninhursag. This is exactly what “Ninhursag” means, and it was a title Prince Ninurta gave his mother, the Goddess, as a title of love—“The Mountain Goddess.”

Later on, however, when the AIF (Vishnu, Shiva, and their cohorts) came and took over, the Goddess was transformed into “the personification of the all-destroying time (Kali)…” In other words, a change took place, when the Goddess was no longer the Goddess, and Her title was taken over by Kali. Thus, it is important to understand who Kali is.

Quote #20: Kālī (Sanskrit: काली, IPA: [kɑːliː]) … is the fierce aspect of the goddess Durga (Parvati). The name Kali comes from kāla, which means black, time, death, lord of death: Shiva. Since Shiva is called Kāla— the eternal time — the name of Kālī, his consort, also means “Time” or “Death” (as in “time has come”). Hence, Kāli is the Goddess of Time and Change. […] Kālī is represented as the consort of Lord Shiva, on whose body she is often seen standing. Shiva lies in the path of Kali, whose foot on Shiva subdues her anger..[30]

We already know that Lord Shiva is Marduk, and now Kali is said to be his consort. Marduk, just like his father, has had more than one consort, but Kali is associated with Time and Death (as in “time has come”), as in “the time has come for you to die.” The Goddess of Death is the equivalent to the Goddess (or Queen) of the Underworld in Egyptian mythology, making the Sumerian goddess, Queen Ereškigal, the same deity as Kali in the Indian myth. After Nergal/ lost his manhood, he transformed the power to his son, Marduk, so he could continue producing human hybrid offspring with Nergal’s consort, Ereškigal/Kali.

In Level IV, we also talked about Queen Ereškigal’s blood thirst and her desire for human flesh. This, too, reflects in the Vedas. The following quote is an excerpt from something much bigger, which I will go into detail within one of the upcoming papers, having to do with “black magic” and “witchcraft.” However, this following little piece is about Kali, in general, and helps the reader better understand the relationship between Kali and Ereškigal and how murderous these beings are (the italics is mine.)

Quote #21: …It translates the tantric concept of dakini (Sanskrit: डाकिनी ḍākinī, Pali ḍāginī, Mongolian: дагина), derived from a figure of medieval Hindu legend (Bhagavata Purana, Brahma Purana, Markandeya Purana, Kathasaritsagara), a female imp in the train of Kali who feeds on human flesh (her masculine counterpart being called ḍāka ).[1] They are comparable to malevolent or vengeful female spirits, deities, imps or fairies in other cultures, such as the Persian peri.[31]

At this point, there is no need to try to understand all the terms in the above quote—all I want to show is the correlation between the two murderous self-proclaimed “goddesses.” In the upcoming paper, the reader will see that this is certainly not taken out of context, as this quote will be included there as well.

Last, but not the least—here is an excellent example of how Lucifer, in the persona of Lord Vishnu, took over Mother Goddess’ whole beingness, and word by word, put himself as the creator of the entire Universe and all other universes beyond. The reader, I am sure, recalls from previous levels, when I explained how Mother Goddess created all universes with Her breath—outbreath means creation, and in-breath means “destruction;” or “implosion,” rather; when everything goes back again to Source. Consider this:

Quote #22: Creation of the material world: In a corner of the spiritual sky of brahmajyoti a spiritual cloud sometimes appears, and the covered portion is called the mahat-tattva. The Lord then, by His plenary portion as Maha-Visnu, lies down within the water of the mahat-tattva, and the water is called the Causal Ocean (Karana-jala). While Maha-Visnu sleeps within the Causal Ocean, innumerable universes are generated along with His breathing. These universes are floating, and they are scattered all over the Causal Ocean. They stay only during the breathing period of Maha-Visnu. In each and every universal globe, the same Maha-Visnu enters again as Garbhodakasayi Visnu and lies there on the serpentlike Sesa incarnation. From His navel sprouts a lotus stem, and on the lotus, Brahma, the lord of the universe, is born. Brahma creates all forms of living beings of different shapes in terms of different desires within the universe. He also creates the sun, moon and other demigods.[32]

I can hardly think of a better example of how the Patriarchal Regime hijacked the things that the Primordial Goddess and Her Helpers stood for—the “Grande Deception!”

VI. Teachers of the Arts

When I search the Internet these days, looking for good articles, forums, videos, and radio interviews that may include the “Anunnaki,” I run into the following concept over and over—the Anunnaki were teachers; teaching mankind in the field of arts, science, and gardening as being the three main subjects. Without the Anunnaki, we would still be clubbing our prey with a sharp stone. Also, the greatest Anunnaki teachers were apparently Thoth, Quetzalcoatl, Ningishzidda, and Sometimes, someone has done his or her research and figured out that the two, or even the first three are the same being, and so he or she ends up calling him Thoth. That’s not bad—it’s close to the truth—but I went one step further in Level IV and confirmed that all these four beings are actually one and the same—Lord! This means that there was one “teacher” and not four. Lord, in his different Earth incarnations, came down to Earth and taught either his selected humans, or humans in general, about the trades and the arts. Being an entity, who is Service to Self,to use that term, he didn’t do it for our benefit, but for his own. He needed mankind to know these things. However, I mention this because I want to make the reader alert to the fact that you may stumble upon writers who call the “Anunnaki” teachers. Of course, the ideas that the Anunnaki were teachers, to a large degree, comes from Sitchin.

Interestingly enough, mankind has always responded very positively to art and beauty, although the AIF is not having these two subjects as their main interests. They look at art differently from many humans—their kind of “art” is more chaotic, destructive, and abstract, with symbolic under meanings. The average human, however, likes beautiful art, which makes them elevated and feel good—humans are, as we know, more emotionally evolved than star beings in general, so our choice of art is more elevated toward beauty and uplifting meanings—more so, perhaps, the more evolved we are. Many of us still have Namlú’u genes in us—genes from the primordial and androgynous “man.” At the time when these ancient ancestors walked the planet, we had company from Prince Ninurta, the Vulcans, and a few other star races, who were all into beauty, poetry, art, and music—and I dare say that the music they were playing and teaching was not Death Metal. There is a big chance that our appreciation of real beauty and art comes from these very, very ancient times—many millions of years ago. Music can be excellent for communication, and depending on how we play the music, we can either uplift or degrade our environment. The same thing applies to fine art, poetry, and sculpture.

Apollo (Marduk) is also said to have been into music, poetry, art, oracles, medicine, and knowledge, to name a few,[33] but again—the difference in the vibration of the art and the knowledge may have been quite distinct compared with more ancient music from the stars. Apollo has been elevated as a skillful musician, and why not? After all, he was the one who wrote or dictated ancient history. Moreover, Apollo may have practiced art, but I haven’t seen that he actually taught it.

Gandharva is the name used for heavenly beings in Hinduism and Buddhism, but it is also a term for skilled singers in Indian classical music. This is what Wikipedia say about the Gandharvas:

Quote #23: In Hinduism, the gandharvas (Sanskrit: गन्धर्व, gandharva, Kannada: ಗಂಧರ್ವ, Tamil: கந்தர்வர், Telugu: గంధర్వ or Gandharvudu) are male nature spirits, husbands of the Apsaras. Some are part animal, usually a bird or horse. They have superb musical skills. They guarded the Soma and made beautiful music for the gods in their palaces. Gandharvas are frequently depicted as a singer in the court of Gods.

In Hindu theology, gandharvas act as messengers between the gods and humans. In Hindu law, a Gandharva marriage is one contracted by mutual consent and without formal rituals.

Gandharvas are mentioned extensively in the epic Mahabharata as associated with the devas (as dancers and singers) and with the yakshas, as formidable warriors. They are mentioned as spread across various territories.[34]

Here we have male nature spirits who are connected to music, and we have already covered Apollo as a musician as well. Both the Gandharvas and Apollo are, of course, males, but are there not female artists in the Hindu religion as well? Yes, there are, and they are called Apsaras.

Quote #24:  An Apsara (Sanskrit: अप्सराः apsarāḥ, plural अप्सरसः apsarasaḥ, stem apsaras-, a feminine consonant stem, អប្សរា), is also known as Vidhya Dhari or Tep Apsar (ទេពអប្សរ) in Khmer, Accharā (Pāli) or A Bố Sa La Tư (Vietnamese), Bidadari (Indonesian & Malay), Biraddali (Tausug), Hapsari or Widodari (Javanese) and Apson (Thai: อัปสร). English translations of the word “Apsara” include “nymph,” “celestial nymph,” and “celestial maiden.”

Apsaras are allegedly beautiful, supernatural female beings. They are youthful and elegant, and superb in the art of dancing. They are often the wives of the Gandharvas, the court musicians of Indra. They dance to the music made by the Gandharvas, usually in the palaces of the gods, entertain and sometimes seduce gods and men. As ethereal beings who inhabit the skies, and are often depicted taking flight, or at service of a god, they may be compared to angels.[35]

Here we learn that the Apsaras are the wives of the Gandharvas, but also associated with nymphs and angels. The concepts of nymphs and angels can be found in many myths and religions worldwide, but where have we heard the term “nymph” before in the Wes Penre Papers? Perhaps the reader at least vaguely remembers the story of Artemis, who had her nymphs, as well as her Garden story. Nymphs have always been associated with music and dance.

Now, to bring this concept further, let’s look at who’s the mother of the Apsaras.

Earlier in this paper we discussed Kashyapa, who married Manu, one of the 62 daughters of Daksha and his wife Panchajani (this was when we discussed cloning previously in this paper). Kashyapa, I argued, was the equivalent of Lord The Bhāgavata Purāṇa states that the Apsaras were born from Kashyapa and his wife, Muni.[36] Of course, when we are talking about either an entire group of beings being born from a married godly couple, we are hardly talking about two people having sex from early morning to late at night, 365 days a year (although it wouldn’t surprise me when we’re talking about, but we are rather discussing cloning or genetic engineering. Old mythology is full of stories on this topic, when a god and a goddess are producing an entire new race of beings, calling them their “offspring.” This is of course confusing for a person who is not educated in old mythology, thinking that it’s just fantasies—no one can produce a huge group of beings by producing offspring from mere intercourse.

Thus, it seems as if Kashyapa/—our infamous genetic scientist—created this group of beings for entertainment, but likely also for some other purpose. That’s usually how the story goes, so we’ll examine that as well in a moment. First, though, let us consider another thing that was mentioned in Quote #22 regarding the Apsaras—the so-called “angels.”

Our concept here on Earth is that angels have wings, so let us consider that. We have already mentioned Vinata as being one of Kashyapa’s wives. Garuda, who we also are going to mention again soon—the “Big Bird” counterpart of Marduk.  Now, let’s define Vinata first.

Quote #25: Vinata (Sanskrit विनत vi-nata – bent, curved, bent down, bowed, stooping, inclined, … , humble, modest, …[1]). One of the thirteen daughters of Prajapati Daksha. Married to Kashyapa along with her 12 sisters. She bore him two sons, named Aruṇá and Garuda known as the Suparnas.[37]

Let’s recapitulate Garuda:

Quote #26: The Garuda … is a large mythical bird, bird-like creature, or humanoid bird that appears in both Hindu and Buddhist mythology.[38]

Now, let us understand the angelic part of this. Garuda, whom we are told is an Avatar of Marduk, is depicted as a large bird, and is therefore a winged deity. Although Marduk usually is not depicted as a bird—at least not in the Sumerian tablets—there are certainly deities in the Sumerian tablets who are depicted with wings. This is true for both males and females (see fig. 11 and fig. 12 below). The most famous female deity whom we see wearing wings, however, is Ishtar and her counterpart, Inanna (fig. 12). It’s interesting how all these things are connected across the cultures. Also, the brother of Inanna is said to be Utu Šamaš, whose counterpart is Marduk—both winged beings of the Bird Tribe, as we can see in Garuda’s case (fig. 7). One of Ishtar’s symbols, aside from the lion, is also a bird—the owl (fig. 12).

From what we have discussed above, I would argue that Lord and his son, Marduk, can be said to be Gandharvas, utilizing music in the world—not so much to create beauty, but to manipulate the masses through music—sound is an essential ingredient in the creation of universes. This has always been done throughout history, and if the reader doesn’t believe me, all you have to do is to think for a while under what circumstances music has been used. Don’t we have marches in the military (a distinct 2/4 beat), in order to pep the soldiers to make them feel united, ready to fulfill a common task (which is basically to kill as many people as possible)? In ancient times, music was used in war, to introduce an Emperor before his talk, and much, much more. Even classical music had hidden meanings embedded in it, utilized by secret societies who often controlled the composers, similar to how the music industry controls the artists today. This was, of course, long before music could be recorded. Now, the music industry is one of our main mind-control centers of the masses. The “liberating” music of the 60s was on a high level totally controlled.[39] Most of the artists were (and of course still are) heavily mind-controlled or bribed into doing exactly what the music industry wants them to do. Crimes amongst the musicians are heavily encouraged (such as pedophilia, drug pushing, drug trafficking, using sex slaves, and human trafficking etc.), so that the Industry can hold this against the artist, if the latter decides to talk or otherwise reveal the high crimes involved in the business. If that doesn’t do it, murder will do (such as in the case of John Lennon). How many so-called “drug overdoses” and “suicides” amongst artists do you think actually are what the media say they are? Indeed, many of these artists were murdered by the Industry in one way or another. On top of this Crime Syndicate is not any “Pindar” or any other so-called “top Illuminati persona” but Lord and his son. That’s the simplicity of an otherwise complex subject. It’s all about the control of the masses—particularly the young.


The purpose for this series of papers, as with anything and everything I have been writing, is to express my own conclusions, based on the research I have done. It must in no way be considered the ultimate truth and must not be considered anybody else’s truth until that person has thoroughly thought these things through and decided that he or she may agree with what I have concluded, in part or as a whole. If somebody does not agree, it must be that person’s right to individual thinking.

Moreover, I do not want any religion, cult, secret society, or followers to be created out of my material. Also, I am not a guru or a leader of any kind, and I refuse to be treated or viewed as such. At the most, I am a student of the unknown and the mystics who wants to teach and share my experiences and the knowledge I think that I have gained.

[1] Van Buitenen, 1973, p. 301, op. cit., via Richard L. Thompson, “Alien Identities,” p. 276.

[2] Thompson, pp. 276-77, op. cit.

[3] Thompson, p. 277, op. cit. (My emphasis).

[4] Thompson, pp. 277-78 op. cit.

[5] p. 278, op. cit.

[6] Ibid.

[7] Bhāgavata Purāṇa, 4.14.35, op. cit.







[14] Thompson, p. 277.


[16] Ibid.



[19] Ibid.




[23] I have not managed to find out how much Soma a being needs in order to obtain immortality—it may also depend on the body.



[26] Ibid.






[32] SB 2.5.33. (, op. cit.




[36] Ibid.



[39] For more info regarding the music industry, and art in general, see one of my websites, .

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