Fifth Level of Learning, Paper 4: Lokas–The Realms of Gods, Men, and Demons

by Wes Penre, Written on Wednesday, July 16, 2014 
Posted on Monday, January 19, 2015
Edited by Professor Bob Stannard

I. The Lokas

Now that we have briefly mentioned the lokas in different sections of this paper, it is time to look into those a little bit more—it’s quite an interesting concept, in my opinion. I can understand that it is easy for those who are drawn toward the mystics to find interest in the Vedic texts—there is quite enough in there to stimulate that part of the mind. Unfortunately, as with all major religions, the Vedic texts are patriarchal in nature, and the structure is, as we shall see, set up by the same beings we are so familiar with by now.

The lokas are consist of fourteen worlds—seven higher ones, and seven lower ones.  In essence, these worlds are a hierarchy of their own, inhabited by different kinds of beings. Humans, who dwell in the lower part if this hierarchy, are striving to move upward to the next loka, and then to the next, and so on, until the person has reached the highest loka, where Brahma resides. Thus, it would be close enough to compare the highest loka with the biblical Heaven.

The lokas are often denoted as being planets, although planets and stars are often two concepts of the same thing and can therefore be thought of as interchangeable. Lokas also have other, more esoteric meanings in the Vedas, but we are not going into these here. I’d rather keep it as simple as possible, so we can concentrate on our task.

As we will see in Quote #1 below, there is one more thing that needs to be mentioned while we’re discussing the basics of this subject—the most common way of looking at this is that each loka consists of three worlds, whereof only one is inhabited. Thus, we still have fourteen inhabited lokas, although there are twenty-one lokas altogether. In other words, a loka can mean both a single planet or a star, or it can signify a combination of three planets with one of them inhabited. Hence, we have two ways of looking at lokas, but as I mention above, we are going to concentrate on the single lokas, where life resides.

Quote #1: [A loka is] a dimension of manifest existence; cosmic region. Each loka reflects or involves a particular range of consciousness.. The most common division of the universe is the triloka, or three worlds (Bhuloka, Antarloka and Brahmaloka), each of which is divided into seven regions. Corresponds to any of the 14 worlds (visible and invisible) inhabited by living beings.[1]

The highest of these three major worlds is, as we have discussed earlier, Brahmaloka. However, when the lokas are listed in the Vedic scriptures, Brahmaloka is often excluded from the list. This is because it’s usually equated with Satyaloka, as explained here:

Quote #2: Satyaloka (Sanskrit: “Plane of reality, truth.”) also called brahmaloka; the realm of sahasrara chakra, it is the highest of the seven upper worlds.[2]

Brahmaloka, or Satyaloka, are thus described in the following way:

Quote #3: 1. the realm of Brahmā; the realm of the Infinite. 2. one of the celestial realms or planes of existence in Hindu cosmology, which is the abode of those spirits who have achieved the highest state of liberation…[3]

Satyaloka is thus the ultimate realm a human spirit can reach in the main Hindu religion. This doesn’t mean that it’s the highest of everything in the Universe. Satyaloka is still part of the material universe, and as we know, there is more than that. Even the Vedas acknowledges this (my emphasis is in italics).

Quote 4: Narayana is also venerated as Para Brahman and therefore to pervade all the 14 lokas and the entire Brahmanda (Universe) which includes both manifested (planets, stars, galaxies, black holes, etc. which constitute 25% of the Universe) and unmanifested (the unknown dark matter which constitutes 75%) energy. Lord Vishnu who is said to live in Vaikuntha is a finite form of the infinite formless, timeless Narayana.[4]

Vaikuntha and Narayana in Hinduism are both now Lord Vishnu’s realms, and at least Narayana belongs to the universe of 75% energy. After all, he is the God manifested, just as the Goddess was before Vishnu took over as the patriarchal god. Hence, he is “supposed” to have access to realms that are his alone.

Another name for Vishnu’s abode is Vishnuloka. This particular term is described more as a planet than a realm. It is 400,000 miles in circumference and totally inaccessible for mortal beings, albeit it is still allegedly existing in the material universe.[5] Above Vishnuloka is a golden island called Maha-Vishnuloka floating in an ocean of salt. East of here is the “ocean of milk”[6] that of course relates to the Milky Way Galaxy.

Now, with the highest realm achievable in the Hindu religion defined, let’s go ahead and list all the lokas, and what kind of beings reside there. I also want to compare these beings with the Alien Invader Force (AIF) and the different star races that signed up with Lucifer during his rebellion and have stayed loyal to him since then. Remember that in the Vedic literature, the lokas can be everything from planets to dimensions, godly realms, and more of this nature. When the reader gets the hang of it, the imagination will determine what is what. In the big scheme of things, it is not even that important because the lokas still fill the same purpose for the AIF in regard to the control system humankind is managed by.

It clearly says in the ancient texts that Vishnuloka is inaccessible for human beings, and it means that we humans are trapped within the material universe regardless how high up through the dimensions we ascend, just as I’ve been writing about in previous levels of learning. The KHAA—or the parts of the KHAA that and his closest cohorts have access to—is outside[7] the Grid and the Saturn stargate, and it is the part of the Tree of Knowledge that the gods do not want us to “eat” from.  

If Lord Vishnu, equivalent to Lord, has his own planet in the Vedic system, it’s not more than fair that his son, Lord Marduk, has one also —or at least, this is what these two-of-a-kind seem to think. If Lord Vishnu’s realm is Vishnuloka, Marduk’s realm is Rudraloka—dedicated to Rudra. “Aha,” say the astute readers, “then Rudra must be Marduk!” If so, they are correct. That makes a lot of sense, of course, but we still need to prove it, so let’s do it before we go on, and a little bit further down in this paper, I will prove, without any doubt, that Lord Vishnu is the the same being as Lord

A few times already, here in Level V, we have discussed that the Vedic gods often incarnate as Avatars—e.g. Krishna is said to be the eighth or ninth avatar of Vishnu[8] (depending on which school of learning we are studying). In the same manner, Rudra is said to be the incarnation (the Avatar) of Lord Shiva.[9] He is also said to be in charge of the “mode of ignorance in material nature.”[10] That’s quite a strong statement, but it’s nevertheless there, for anyone to read in the Vedas. How extremely true this statement is will be self-evident before Level V is finished. It is also said that Rudra is the “master of the ghosts”[11] which is yet another strong and chilling statement, implementing that he has something to do with mastering the dead—the Afterlife!

There is much evidence that Shiva and Rudra are one and the same, but for the purpose of this specific paper, let’s take one more example for now, so the reader knows for a fact that what I’m saying is correct (my emphasis is in italics).

Quote #5: The Hindu god Shiva shares several features with the Rudra: the theonym Shiva originated as an epithet of Rudra, the adjective shiva (“kind”) being used euphemistically of Rudra, who also carries the epithet ghora (“extremely terrifying”).[3] Usage of the epithet came to exceed the original theonym by the post-Vedic period (in the Sanskrit Epics), and the name Rudra has been taken as a synonym for the god Shiva and the two names are used interchangeably.[12]

There is no doubt about that the two are the same, as the reader can clearly see. Now, the only thing left to do is to show the reader that Shiva, Rudra, and Marduk are all one and the same, so let’s do that before we move on. This may take a few threads that we need to follow, but it’s necessary because we do need to understand that Shiva, the Destroyer, and Lord Marduk are one and the same. The quicker we reveal who and Marduk are in the Hindu religion, the faster we get the grasp of what we’re dealing with here, and everything else will make so much more sense. It’s not just a matter of showing the reader who is who across the religions and mythologies—it’s much more than that, and it will be evident as we move on. This knowledge opens doors that otherwise would perhaps be closed forever. So, please bear with me and make sure you read the excerpts I am giving you throughout the papers because they are often the key to knowledge and often crucial to read and understand. If they are too esoteric, I am doing my best to explain afterward the parts that are important. I know how tempting it is, sometimes, just to skip explanatory quotes because we want to move on and see what the next few paragraphs have to offer us.  Nevertheless, regardless of how tempting it may be, discipline yourself and read them, please.

Fig 1. Rudra, “a storm god and embodiment of wildness and unpredictable danger,” 
from a 19th-century textbook on Hinduism.

When we were dealing with the Sumerian texts, some exceptional concepts started to reveal themselves through the research—e.g. we could establish that all of the prominent Sun gods, such as Utu Šamaš and Lord Marduk, are the same being under different names. We were able to narrow down the Sun gods until we had only one left, and that was Marduk, Lord’s son. Now, let us take this concept and transfer it to the Vedic texts and see how that works. Before we do that, however, let’s just recap a little bit from Level IV to show how we managed to narrow the gods down from the many into one—in the following case, we merged Mithra, Šamaš, and Apollo with Marduk, who, as Marduk Ra, is the obvious main Sun god:

Quote #6:…in Zoroastrian/Iranian tradition, Mithra became the divinity of the Sun. How, when or why this occurred is uncertain, but it is commonly attributed to a conflation with the Babylonian Shamash, who – in addition to being a Sun god – was a judicial figure like Mithra. In the Hellenistic era (i.e., in Seleucid and Parthian times), Mithra also seems to have been conflated with Apollo…[13]

Fig. 2. Apollyon (top) combating Christian

Now, let’s emphasis Shiva as the “Destroyer,” which he is known to be in the Vedas and the Hindu religion (again, the italics are mine).

Quote #7: The Hebrew term Abaddon (Hebrew: אֲבַדּוֹן‎, ‘Ǎḇaddōn), and its Greek equivalent Apollyon (Greek: Ἀπολλύων, Apollyon), appear in the Bible as a place of destruction and an angel, respectively. In the Hebrew Bible, abaddon is used with reference to a bottomless pit, often appearing alongside the place שאול (sheol), meaning the land of the dead. In the New Testament Book of Revelation, an angel called Abaddon is written as the king of an army of locusts; his name is first transcribed in Greek (Revelation 9:11 – “whose name in Hebrew Abaddon” (Ἀβαδδὼν)), and then translated (“which in Greek means the Destroyer” (Ἀπολλύων, Apollyon)). The Latin Vulgate, as well as the Douay Rheims Bible, has an additional note (not present in the Greek text), “in Latin Exterminans”, exterminans being the Latin word for “destroyer”..[14]

Here we learn that Abaddon in Greek means the “Destroyer,” “Apollyon,” which is interesting indeed. This associates Abaddon with Apollo, and we know since Level IV that Apollo, the “Destroyer,” is also another name for Marduk. Again, we can see how Apollo/Abaddon/Marduk are linked to the bottomless pit and the land of the dead. Maybe it becomes clearer and clearer for the reader why it’s advisable to avoid the tunnel and the white light after body death. It’s not necessarily true that a soul goes to “Hell” after body death—in fact, the afterlife doesn’t have to be unpleasant—but if we choose to go through the tunnel and into the light, we choose reincarnation, and we remain in the trap.

Now, let’s take a look at Shiva (italics are mine.)

Quote #8: Shiva (Śiva; /ˈʃɪvə/  listen (help•info) meaning “The Auspicious One”), also known as Mahadeva (“Great God”), is a popular Hindu deity and is considered to be the Supreme God within Shaivism, one of the three most influential denominations in Hinduism.[1][2] Shiva is regarded as one of the primary forms of God, such as one of the five primary forms of God in the Smarta tradition,[1] and “the Destroyer” or “the Transformer”[3] among the Trimurti, the Hindu Trinity of the primary aspects of the divine. Shiva is also regarded as the patron god of yoga and arts.[15] 

It’s sometimes like finding a goldmine when I’m looking for a specific reference, and other things that are equally important show up in the same reference. I love when that happens!

The main thing here is to connect Shiva, Apollo, and Abaddon with the “Destroyer” and to make a connection to the Sun god, Marduk Ra, which we now have succeeded to do. In Quote #8we see Shiva being both the Destroyer and the Transformer which is how he most often is portrayed. What it’s supposed to mean is, of course, that he needs to destroy something in order for something else to be built in its place. This is an obvious chain of events in a 3-D world, as we know, but the key thing is always—what do we destroy and what do we want to build in its place? Is it ethical to destroy the Twin Towers in New York in order to build something new—in this case, to build a War on Terrorism, which has as its main goals to put people in even more fear and terror, so the Powers That Be can create a bigger surveillance society with even stricter control?

What kind of Destroyer/Transformer is Shiva, then? Well, in the guise of Marduk, we already know the answer.

There are more examples of the association between Rudra/Shiva/Marduk, but again, for now, this will do for the purpose of this particular paper. Thus, we are back where we started, with Marduk getting his own loka (planet or planetary system), named after his Vedic incarnation, Rudra (Rudraloka).

Another important planetary system is called Dhruvaloka, which is the polestar.[16] This is a very important star—not only in the Vedas, into which we will go into more details in a future paper, when we start comparing the Vedas with Egyptian mythology. People in ancient times believed that the polestar is the pivot of this particular Universe, and all planets move around this polestar (my highlights are in italic).

Quote #9: All the great sages mentioned in this verse have their planets near Brahmaloka, the planet where Lord Brahmā resides along with four great sages—Sanaka, Sanātana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumāra. These sages reside in different stars known as the southern stars, which circle the polestar. The polestar, called Dhruvaloka, is the pivot of this universe, and all planets move around this polestar. All the stars are planets, as far as we can see, within this one universe. According to Western theory, all the stars are different suns, but according to Vedic information, there is only one sun within this universe. All the so-called stars are but different planets. Besides this universe, there are many millions of other universes, and each of them contains similar innumerable stars and planets.[17]

This quote is telling us why “lokas” are considered being planets, or planetary systems, rather than star systems—there is only one star/sun in the entire universe, according to some Vedic beliefs, and all the stars we see twinkling and shining in the night sky are just planets, such as our own Planet Earth. Now we also understand why the polestar is so incredibly significant in the Hindu religion—it’s the only sun/star in this entire universe! This also means that humans who lived in these times when the gods were visiting the Indian valley and the Sages were writing down the Veda books had no problems believing that there were different gods living in the stars because after all, stars are planets, according to what they had been taught by the “gods of wisdom.”

The Hindus were not the only ones who believed in the significance of the polestar, however. The Egyptians worshipped this star just as seriously as the East Indians did. In past ages, the star that held the position of Pole Star became worshipped as the star of that particular age, and temples were built in its honor in Egypt.[18] There is much more to be said about the Pole Star, and we will discuss it some more in a later paper. In reference to this particular star, the Vedas gave exact names of star systems that were (and still are) part of Lucifer’s Empire. It’s too much to discuss in this paper, which will be long enough as it is, so I’ll save that information for later.

Now, we have learned that the two most prominent gods in the patriarchal pantheon—Lord and his son, Lord Marduk, had planets (or stars?), which they considered their own and where humans did not have any access whatsoever. Conversely, neither Vishnuloka, Rudraloka, nor Dhruvaloka is considered being above the rest of the hierarchy of lokas—quite the contrary. These three lokas are considered right beneathTapoloka, Janaloka, and Maharloka, to which humans have access—something we will discuss shortly. Before we do that, let us first bring up a few interesting points.

In the Vedic texts, each universe (or Multiverse) is shaped like an egg.[19] The reader with good memory may recall from The First Level of Learning that Life Physics Group California (LPG-C), which I was in contact with while their chief scientist, Dr. A.R. Bordon, was still alive (he passed on in 2012), in their Working Model had the Multiverse shaped like an egg (see fig. 13). I have learned since my affiliation with LPG-C that they indeed are working with the AIF—the same force which is behind the Vedic scriptures. Also, for those who recall how I “debunked” the WingMakers Material (WMM) and discussed the role of the character “Fifteen”, or “15”, who was the head of the (former) ultra-secret Labyrinth Group, working with the AIF, it may be of value to know that Dr. Bordon, just before he died, admitted to being this character—Fifteen. This should hammer the last nail into the coffin of both LPG-C and the WingMakers because—James Mahu, the front figure for the WMM, has admitted to being Mahu Nahi, the leader of the group of ETs (AIF), who works together with the Labyrinth Group. It’s interesting to see how these beings are creating different factions under different names (e.g. LPG-C, WingMakers, The Labyrinth Group, ACIO, S.A.A.L.M., and so on), pretending to oppose each other, when, in fact, behind the scenes, they are all the same group of impostors, and they work in unison toward the same goal. Mahu Nahi only recently started calling himself James Mahu, interestingly enough. It’s tempting to believe that he did so because he wanted to “defuse” the information I came out with regarding the WingMakers in Level I back in 2011, but I have, of course, no proof of that. However, there are people who have written to me, thinking I went a little too far when I exposed the WingMakers as impostors, but I held on to my evidence, and here we are today, with proof that what I wrote back then is correct.

Although the WMM has enough accurate information to be worth studying, the deceptive parts are, as I see it, serious enough to lead the reader astray and prevent him or her from finding the freedom he or she so deeply is looking for. Therefore, the advice must be to study the material carefully, being savvy enough to know the information from the disinformation, and thus learn what is useful and discard the rest. There should no longer be any doubt that the WingMakers are working with’s “Anunnaki” team.

Fig. 3. The Unum revisited—the egg-shaped Multiverse, according to LPG-C’s “Working Model.”

The egg-shaped Multiverse is apparently something the LPG-C “borrowed” from the Vedas—or rather, this is the Multiverse the AIF wants humankind to subscribe to. It doesn’t mean that it’s false—after all, most sentient life comes from eggs—even Queen Nin’s children did. As above, so below—the egg shape is, apparently, just like the spiral shape, the pyramid shape, and other geometric forms, very important, and can be seen from the highest realm to the lowest in this universe. On the cover of Barbara Marciniak’s book, “Earth—Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library,” there is a picture of a cracked egg shell with the New Earth being born from this egg. Behind the picture of the Earth, inside the cracked egg, is black space, with the Pleiades lit up in the background.

Fig. 4. The egg-shaped Universe in the Vedic literature, with other similar universes existing in parallel to ours in the background, creating a Multiverse. Between universes is the VOID. The Garbhodaka Ocean (at the bottom) is equivalent to the Underworld where Lord Nergal and Queen Ereškigal dwell (the Vedas have the equivalent to the Egyptian Underworld, as we shall see later on in Level V, including their own Nergal and Ereškigal). (Original picture:

Let us now go back to the loka hierarchies. Before we were sidetracked, we discussed the Realm of Brahma being equivalent to Satyaloka. If the Realm of Brahma is equivalent to Satyaloka, Brahma is basically just the “realm” and not the name of the actual being who is the highest incarnate in the Universe. The highest incarnate in the Universe, according to the Vedas, is called Brāhman, with an “n” at the end.  Of Brahman, it’s said that he was the first being who took form in the Universe—in other words, a physical incarnation of God, or the “All That Is.” The difference between Brahma and Brahman can be studied here, amongst a lot of other places:

Quote 10: In most Hindu philosophies there is only one ultimate reality. Also known as Brahman (the infinite manifestation of the universe – not to be confused with Atman, the manifestation of god within a body; somewhat comparable to a soul),[7] all others are considered his aspects, or avatars, – Vishnu, the protector or preserver, and Shiva, the destroyer, are the main examples of this, due to them being more popular aspects of the Ultimate Reality.[20]

Although it says here that Vishnu and Shiva are both examples of Brahman’s avatars, Vishnu is usually the one who is the highest in rank of the two.[21] He is considered the main “God” in Hindu religion, although there are those who claim Krishna as such. Krishna, however, is most commonly looked upon as an Avatar of Lord Vishnu.[22] Worth mentioning also is that the gods in the Vedas are called Lords, just like in the Sumerian cuneiform.

Before we continue, I think this is a good place to explain how I’ve come to associate Lord Vishnu with Lord

A good place to start is to connect Vishnu with the Capricorn constellation.

Quote 11: According to the extant Hindu texts and traditions, Lord Vishnu is considered to be resident in the direction of the “Makara Rashi” (the “Shravana Nakshatra”), which is about coincident with the Capricorn constellation.[23]

As we know, and his Minions are spread out widely over the night sky, and having associated with Capricorn (as well as Orion, the Pleiades, Sirius, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, etc.) is definitely not a stretch. Capricorn is surrounded by a lot of water signs, such as Aquarius, Pisces, and Eridanus (water is, as we know,’s signature). However, let us continue looking at Vishnu/ with continuing emphasis on Capricorn.

Quote 12: Capricornus is also sometimes identified as Pan, the god with a goat’s head, who saved himself from the monster Typhon by giving himself a fish’s tail and diving into a river.[24]

Now, we have the god Pan, from Greek mythology, associated with the goat, a fish, and a river (water). as Oannes, Neptune, and Poseidon comes to mind, but let’s continue. We are going to revisit himself in Wikipedia:

Quote 13: His [’s] symbols included a goat and a fish, which later combined into a single beast, the goat Capricorn, recognised as the Zodiacal constellation Capricornus.[25]

These are quite interesting connections—we thereby have Capricorn associated with Vishnu, Pan, and Also, we have associations to’s connection to water.

If we now dive deeper into Capricorn (pun intended), we find:

Quote 14: Despite its faintness, Capricornus has one of the oldest mythological associations, having been consistently represented as a hybrid of a goat and a fish since the Middle Bronze Age. First attested in depictions on a cylinder-seal from around the 21st century BC,[6] it was explicitly recorded in the Babylonian star catalogues as MULSUḪUR.MAŠ “The Goat-Fish” before 1000 BC. The constellation was a symbol of the god Ea [my emphasis] and in the Early Bronze Age marked the winter solstice.[26]

Again, we have a direct connection with Ea, the goat, and the fish. Next, let’s take another look at Vishnu (my emphasis is in italics).

Quote 15: Indra has no option but to seek help from Vishnu. Indra prays before Vishnu for protection and the Supreme Lord obliges him by taking avatars and generating himself on Earth in various forms, first as a water-dweller (Matsya, fish), then as an amphibious creature.[27]

There is hardly any doubt anymore that Vishnu and are one and the same, but let’s end (for now) with one last reference, if there are readers who are still not convinced. We all know by now that it was who warned Utnapishtim (Noah) that there was going to be a Flood and advised him to build an ark. The same story is told in the Vedas, but this time it is Vishnu who is warning Noah (the italics are mine).

Quote 16: It was then that He (Lord Matsya), revealing Himself, informed the King of an all-destructive deluge which would be coming very soon. The King built a huge boat which housed his family, 9 types of seeds, and animals to repopulate the earth, after the deluge would end and the oceans and seas would recede. At the time of deluge, Vishnu appeared as a horned fish and Shesha appeared as a rope, with which Vaivasvata Manu fastened the boat to horn of the fish.

According to the Matsya Purana, his boat was perched after the deluge on the top of the Malaya Mountains. This narrative is to an extent similar to other deluge stories, like those of Utnapishtim from ancient Sumerian Mythology, and the story of Noah’s ark from the Bible and the Qur’an.[28]

I think this is more than enough evidence Vishnu and are the same persona. This is a very important association because now that we definitely know who Vishnu is, it makes it much easier to establish the identities of other gods and goddesses. However, we have to save that for later and continue discussing the lokas first.

Because Brahman is considered the highest incarnation of Source—the Ultimate God—and Hinduism is a patriarchal religion, the real “Brahman” would instead be Mother Goddess, who in the Vedic texts is demoted into becoming just one of many goddesses. It’s only in Shaktism and a few other Hindu “sects” that Mother Goddess still lives on as Devi.[29] In Hinduism, it’s the male aspect of Devi—the Deva—who is classified as the main Deity. and Prince En.lil (Ninurta) would, in this case, rightfully be classified as Devas, but the term “Deva” would no longer be the main Deity, if we go back in time far enough—before Lucifer took charge of this planet.

As previously mentioned, some prefer to look at the lokas as planets or planetary systems, while others look at them as different dimensions. Albeit, some researchers dispute that the lokas have anything to do with planets and solar systems or planetary systems, it clearly states in the Vedas that certain beings and a group of beings, originated and/or reside in certain star systems, as I will soon show the reader. Hence, I will stick to that explanation.

Some readers might, perhaps, ask themselves how and why a soul would travel outside the Grid after body death when we are stuck here, but are we really ascending to these realms, or is the Hindu ascension process just a carrot for the soul in order to get caught up in this particular religion? One possibility to ascend to these realms after body death is if the soul projects this kind of reality herself.[30] If she does, it’s still just a belief that the soul manifests, and therefore it’s a part of the trap. However, if we scrutinize the information at hand, it really seems as if all lokas are physical, and beings who ascend within this system do so “in the physical.” If anybody has ever done that (which is highly questionable), we must be talking about “double-bodies.”

If the reader recalls the information from Level I, where I particularly explained the phenomenon with double-bodies—something the AIF uses for their own convenience, but which of course can be used for humans as well—we can appreciate the comparison to a selected ascended individual who would, in this case, have his or her soul transported to the ascension planet in question, and there being “shot down” into his or her, for this particular situation, designated double-body, which would probably look identical to the body the person just left here on Earth (a cloned body, in other words). All this is quite doable with ET technology and doesn’t require any highly advanced technical procedures.

With this in mind, it’s very important to have an “exit plan” when leaving the physical body at body death, but more about that in one of the last papers.

In the Vedic texts, there are said to be seven higher worlds (heavens), and seven lower worlds (underworlds). Earth is considered to be the lowest of the higher worlds. Let us now list the different lokas, one by one, and in descending order, including a description of which group of beings belong to a certain loka when such information is available, and using the same premise, in which star system or asterism the loka is located.  

i.i. Satyaloka

This loka is also called, as mention earlier, Brahmaloka, at times, and is the highest loka. However, the Satyaloka planetary system is not eternal nor are the bodies who ascend there .[31] This, alone, makes it evident that the Satyalokais part of the material universe and that the bodies there are still physical. It is said that once the spirit (the atman) has reached this loka, there is no need to reincarnate anymore.[32] This is, in other words, the Vedic Heaven—the place the Hindu devotee ultimately wants to ascend to.

Vishnu’s Satyaloka is most probably located in the star system Aldebaran in the constellation of Taurus, the Bull.[33] Also, if the reader remembers, Lucifer fled to the Pleiades (Taurus) after he was cast out of the Orion Heaven by Archangel Michael’s MIKH-MAKH warriors. Since then, Ea has made the entire Pleiadian star system into his stronghold.

The planet on which Lord Vishnu is said to reside in the Aldebaran system is called Vishnuloka in the Vedas. The following information is available about this planet in the text, Laghu-Bhagavatamrita:

Quote 17: It is 400,000 miles in circumference and inaccessible for any mortal living being. Above that Vishnuloka is a golden island called Maha-Vishnuloka in the ocean of salt. Brahma and other demigods sometimes go there to meet Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu lies there with Lakshmi (the goddess of fortune). East of here is the “ocean of milk” where within is the island of Svetadvipa, where Lord Vishnu also resides with Goddess Lakshmi. His transcendental island is 200,000 square miles and covered with desire [desired?] trees for the pleasure of the Supreme Lord.[34] 

i.ii. Tapoloka, Janaloka, and Maharloka

These three lokas, which are located beneath Satyaloka in the hierarchy, are the lokas of the Sages/Rishis—Vishnu’s helpers. They are also Vishnu’s and Shiva’s personal scribes, as we have learned already. The Sages are said not to be that interested in politics and war but more in meditation and spiritual development.[35] This makes sense because war and politics were not their tasks. They are ascetics, which means that they live similar to monks here on Earth, totally dedicated to their religious quest—in self-denial and ready to do anything they are told by their Masters without questioning anything. The Sages, or the Rishis, were also seers, i.e. they could see into the past and into the future—here on Earth we would call them psychics, although the abilities of the Sages were so much more developed. Anyone who is interdimensional or multidimensional would be considered a “seer” because he or she can look into other dimensions to see the most probable outcome of the decisions he or she are about to make.

Interesting to know is that one of the tasks of the Sages was not only to write down the history of the gods to be preserved here on Earth but also to do it so that it became easy to understand. It is written in “A Tribute to Hinduism—the Book” (my emphasis in italic),

Quote 18: …The Vedic sages had discovered the subtle nature of reality, and had coded it in the form of the Vedas.

According to Raja Ram Mohan Roy, author of Vedic Physics,  “The knowledge contained in the Vedas is very abstruse, and is well beyond the comprehension of ordinary human beings. Therefore Vedic sages coded the knowledge in a simple form in which it could be understood by everyone. The Rig Veda itself testifies that it has a hidden meaning in verse 4.3.16. Sage Bharata in his Natyasastra  2.23 refers to the sages who knew the hidden meaning of the Vedas. This coding of knowledge proved to be very successful in disseminating the knowledge to common folks. This would also explain why extraordinary steps were taken to preserve the Vedas, and the honor given to the Vedas by Hindus, even though its meaning is little understood today.”[36]

Apparently, the Indian people, who lived at the time when the Hindu gods walked the Earth, were not so primitive after all—especially not intellectually. Of course, these people lived their lives together with the gods who were communicating with them on an everyday basis. This made things easier to understand than it is for us who have forgotten both the language and the culture, but unfortunately, today we are quite arrogant when judging these ancient people because they were dressed simpler than we are and didn’t have an “advanced” society as we measure it. However, to say they were primitive is, in my opinion, quite arrogant.

As in all these upper echelons of the Universal Hierarchy, humans can, and will, according to the texts, ascend when they are ready to do so. Hence, these planetary systems are populated both by gods and by ascended humans—or Ascended Masters, as Madame Blavatsky and some of her successors of the Theosophical society would say would be the case. These ascended humans can then, according to the Vedas, if they so wish, help humans in their ascension from the lower planes of existence to the higher.

In Tapoloka, as well as Janaloka and Maharloka, the Sages, a.k.a. the Rishis, are residing, albeit, the three lokas are not equal in the hierarchy, but rather in the order I have listed them here, with Tapoloka on top.

i.iii. Svargaloka

We have, thus far, covered four of the seven upper lokas, and Svargaloka will be the fifth. This is where Lord Indra, “King of the Gods,” i.e. the Devas, resides. This is a region between our Sun and the Pole Star and is considered the Heaven of Lord Indra, where he lives, according to the Vedic mythology, with 330 million Devas. Amongst the Devas here reside the Rishis, Gandharvas, and Apsaras. We have not mentioned the two latter ones, and in order not to be too complex, we might just look at those as other groups of beings amongst Lord Vishnu’s Minions and not explain them in detail.

The next question will be—who is Lord Indra? Of course, as with the other Hindu gods mentioned, he has a counterpart in other religions and myths. Hinduism is supposedly the religion with thousands of gods, and it’s hard even for scholars to distinguish between them. However, when we really examine it, we notice, as so many times before, that it’s just a play with names and made-up identities. After some scrutiny, we can prove that all those gods are just a few in number—recycled over and over. Let’s make some comparisons:

Quote #19: He [Indra] is the god of rain and thunderstorms. He wields a lightning thunderbolt known as vajra and rides on a white elephant known as Airavata…He has many epithets, notably vṛṣan the bull, and vṛtrahan, slayer of Vṛtra…[37]

In this quote alone, we have a lot of references, which will help us determine who Indra is—some readers may in fact already have figured it out because of certain terms that always seem to repeat themselves, such as “the god of rain and thunderstorms,” and “he wields a lightning thunderbolt…” However, let’s not just have me say it, although I could have—instead, let Wikipedia make the same recognition:

Quote #20: Aspects of Indra as a deity are cognate to other Indo-European gods; they are either thunder gods such as Thor, Perun, and Zeus…[38]

This is very true, isn’t it? It’s almost like we are back to Level IV again—who is associated with thunderbolts and thunderstorms, and who is the god of the weather? The god most people probably have in mind is the Greek Olympian god, Zeus. In Level IV, we discussed who Zeus is associated with in the Sumerian texts, and we concluded that Zeus is the equivalent to Lord Marduk.

Hold on a second! Didn’t I just show that Lord Shiva is in fact Marduk? Yes, I did, and that is how this works—the same persona returns in the story as a being with another name, with slightly different characteristics. This is exactly what has confused so many people over the millennia and kept people’s minds occupied with nonsense.

While we are at it, let’s take another look at Quote #20. Indra, although fancying himself as the “King of the Gods,” is in nine hymns referred to as an Asura.[39] As the reader may recall from earlier—on one level, the Asuras and the Deva/Devi are at war, and in conflict with each other. The Asuras are considered being of lower rank than the Deva and the Devi, who in reality are Khan En.lil and Queen Nin, respectively, but the titles were, as we have showed repeatedly, hijacked by what should be the Asuras. Following this logic, Lord Shiva should be an Asura as well—Asuras could be the equivalent to the Anunnaki, if we use Sitchin’s terminology.

In one quote, the bull is a reference to Taurus and the Pleiades again, and lastly, we have a reference to Indra slaying Vrtra. This is another indication that Indra is Marduk, but to make it even clearer, let’s add the following to the story:

Quote #21: For this feat, Indra became known as Vritrahan “slayer of Vritra” and also as “slayer of the first-born of dragons”. Vritra’s mother, Danu (who was also the mother of the Danava race of Asuras), was then attacked and defeated by Indra with his thunderbolt.  In one of the versions of the story, three Devas – Varuna, Soma and Agni – were coaxed by Indra into aiding him in the fight against Vritra whereas before they had been on the side of Vritra (who they called “Father”).[40] 

The reader may recall from Level II and Level IV how Marduk slayed Tiamat, which was both the name of a planet between Mars and Jupiter but also one of the names of Mother Goddess. This Sumerian creation story is the Sages’ version of what happened around 500,000 years ago, when Lucifer and his Fallen Angels attacked the team of Orions and Vegans (mostly) who were the Guardians of the Living Library and thus took over Planet Earth and its stargates. The story states that Marduk, “heroically” slayed Mother Goddess and “saved the world” from the Dragon Queen.

Vrtra (or Vritra) in Quote #19 is a male, however, and this is why I added Quote #20, in order to make things clearer. Vritra, in this sense, is Khan En.lil, while Danu is his consort, i.e. the Queen of the Stars. What the Vedic texts are saying is that Indra, heroically, slayed both the King and the Queen of the Stars—the “first-born of dragons.” It’s the same theme being recycled again. The slayer is, of course, Marduk. In Quote #20, we are even told that the three Devas “changed side,” i.e. they decided to follow Lucifer and Marduk instead of Khan En.lil and Queen Nin.

Fig. 4. Indra on his elephant, slaying Vritra with a thunderbolt, 
and Danu lying slayed on the ground.

Let’s not forget that the seven upper lokas that we now are discussing are all realms where “righteous” beings enter after body death, according to the Hindu traditions, before they are recycled back to Earth again! It’s only in the uppermost loka—Satyaloka—where the soul can stay without having to reincarnate to Earth anymore. Satyaloka is indeed the equivalent to the biblical Heaven. Although Svargaloka is considered Indra’s Heaven, it’s not the Heaven, and even if a soul is righteous enough to enter Svargaloka after death, she still would have to be recycled into the system again.

i.iv. Bhuvarloka

This realm is also called Pitraloka or Pitrloka—the loka of the Sun, the planets, and the stars. It is said to be the space between the Earth and the Sun, and it’s inhabited by “semi-divine beings.”[41] (It’s in the Srimad Bhagavatam, by the way, that the soul’s journey in the afterlife is mainly described, for those who are interested in learning more about that part of the Hindu religion.)

The semi-divine beings mentioned here can’t be anything else than non-physicals, who live in the astral and whose task it is to collect recently deceased souls, store them, and eventually recycle them again. This is the plane just above the physical Earth Plane and can be compared to the Astral Plane, where souls go when they enter the Tunnel and the White Light. The planes above Bhuvarloka are just candy for the souls who have done a “good job” in their earthly incarnation and get rewarded in the afterlife, before they, like everybody else, get recycled again.

These six lokas, dimensions, or planetary systems (however people want to look at it) have some reality to them. Of course, if you’re a very dedicated Hindu or a dedicated Christian, you would be so tuned into the belief system of your religion that you may experience something like the scriptures describe after death. Still, it’s just a projection, and sooner or later, you will understand that it’s not real.  Likewise, people who believe very strongly that they deserve to go to Hell might experience just that for a while, but again, sooner or later, the souls will realize what they are doing, and the illusion will dissolve. For readers of these papers, it is different because you know what is happening, but for the majority of people, it’s very important what kind of beliefs they are setting into motion in their lives, and principally so just before they die. It’s quite likely that they get what they believe they will get, or something similar to it.

 i.v. Bhurloka—the Earth Loka

The Vishnu Purāna tells us that the Earth is just one of thousands of billions of inhabited worlds, and they are just like Earth—inhabited by humanoid beings.[42] Also, in the Vedic Vayu Purāna we learn that each realm (loka) has cities in it.[43] This corresponds with what we have discussed in these papers since Level II—for beings who live in other dimensions that are less solid than our third dimension, it appears to them to be just as solid as it is for us. The difference is that in these dimensions, souls can instantly create their own reality using only thought and intention. Readers with good memory may recall from Level I, when we talked about LPG-C’s UNUM (their term for the Multiverse), how their remote viewers had seen beings living in cities in those other Superdomains, similar to us here in 3-D.

However, Bhurloka is the loka where humans and animals exist in—it’s the “Earth loka,” and the lowest of the seven upper lokas. Bhurloka is said to expand a little bit further than Earth’s atmosphere,[44] so in other words, all that’s living in our third-dimensional world and can be observed with our five senses, belongs to Bhurloka. The Seven Paatalas

Beneath Bhurloka (Planet Earth and humanity), we have the seven lower lokas, also called the Paatalas in the Vedas. While I researched them, I increasingly became convinced that the Paatalas are what we have called the Underworld or the Netherworld in previous research—the realms of Lord Nergal and Queen Ereškigal.

Albeit, when I studied them and saw that most of them are quite semi-unpleasant realms, it’s not until we reach the absolute bottom—the Hellish region—that humans who enter there are going to suffer tremendously. In the Seven Paatalas, deceased humans may have a fairly tolerable existence, but the emphasis in these regions is on the material—the pure physical. Nothing of what we call spiritual is given any attention down there.

There is a lot of different literature in Hinduism and many different cults and sects to convince a person to join, which means that the interpretation of things differ slightly (and sometimes a lot) depending on who the Hindu believers follow and which scripture they believe in, but  it’s quite commonplace that they look at the lokas—and here, the lower lokas—as planets or planetary star systems. The seven lower worlds that we soon are going to explore are dark planets, devoid of sunshine or any natural light—therefore, they are artificially lit by means of huge reflecting surfaces—such as crystals and gems. [45] Because there is no division between day and night, and no sunshine that reaches these planets, their inhabitants—and humans dwelling there in particular—have no sense of time. Time, as we look at time, does not exist there.

In these lower lokas, we find beings, deities, and demons, such as Daityas, Dānavas, Panis, Nivat-Kavachs, Rakshasas, Kalkeyas, Nagas, and Uragas,[46] who are all splurging in illusory material enjoyment and pleasures, without taking any spiritual consequences for their actions. All residents bathe in elixirs which free them from anxiety and physical disease as well as any signs of aging.

The visual beauty of some of these lower realms surpasses even that of the higher planets, we are told. There are incredible feats of architecture in their cities, bedecked with exquisite and valuable jewels.

Some readers may wonder—how can this be? Aren’t these lokas supposed to be of a lower and, thus, more degraded existence?

The irony is that they are! Remember that we are talking about material existence here, depleted of all spiritual associations. Hence, the readers may ask themselves which is more “degraded;” a planet where the inhabitants are engaged with all the material enjoyments thinkable, without any spiritual liberation, or a planet where the inhabitants may suffer in the physical, to a higher or lesser degree, but are able to concentrate on their spiritual evolution and awareness—something that, when applied, also favorably affects the physical body. Both are part of the same illusion, which mainly benefits those who are in charge of it.

The road to higher consciousness and knowledge is not always obvious. What is obvious, however, is that the soul needs challenges of different kinds in order to evolve, or the soul gets lazy and might decide to stay in a safe haven where she seemingly doesn’t develop. The chances that she, in such cases, falls back into a secular spiritual existence is therefore rather high. We could ask ourselves if this, after all, is not a preferable state of being, but when we think a little deeper, we realize that souls get easily bored, and if challenges are not presented to them from their environment, they are creating their own problems and obstacles, which will support growth. Moreover, stagnation goes against universal laws and the laws of spiritual energy, which means that stagnation over a longer period of time is not even possible—everything that is living (which is virtually everything) will either improve or decline. I’d like to remind the reader, however, that the above is true in the 3-D reality we live in, but even if choices can be made here, we are constantly struggling for our survival, something that is not true in the same sense outside the 3-D illusion. Therefore, however we look at it, we are not our own masters here—there are those who are always making sure that we struggle. The relative comfort we are able to accomplish here is only in relevance to how well we can solve problems in our physical reality. Of course, it has a lot to do with in which body we are recycled and which environment we live in, but regardless of that, we are required to solve existential problems in order to have a relatively comfortable existence.

Although I’m confident that in the upper seven regions of the Vedic hierarchy the lokas are equated with planets or planetary systems, it’s not obviously so when it comes to the lower seven lokas. When we compare the Vedas with the Egyptian texts, for example, it is striking how the lower realms encompass each other in the two ancient cultures—the Vedic lower lokas parallel the Egyptians’ belief in the Underworld as the place to where the soul goes as part of the path of the Afterlife. The difference, however, is that in ancient Egypt, the journey through the Underworld, including “The Dark Night of Soul,” as described in the Egyptian papyrus, The Book of the Dead,[47] was a mandatory journey, particularly taken by the Pharaoh or the King, where he was challenged by the deities and the spirits of the Underworld, and his survival in the Afterlife depended on how well he managed these challenges. In the Vedas, it depends on the morals and the ethics of the soul and her devotion to certain deities, whether she would go to one of the realms of the Paatalas or to one of the upper lokas. Still, there are far more similarities between the Egyptian belief in the Underworld or Netherworld and the Vedic Paatalas than there are differences.

Below are the seven Paatalas, listed in hierarchal order. The upper seven lokas are already discussed, so I begin with the lower ones 8-14.

8. Atalaloka.  This loka is said to be ruled by Bala, who is a son of Maya[48] [49], which is also another name for Varuna.[50] Varuna is the counterpart of Lord (which I will show evidence of in upcoming papers), making Bala the counterpart of Marduk. True enough, if we read from Wikipedia, Indra, who evidently is the same deity as Marduk, has a connection with the term “Maya.”[51] In other words, Bala, who is listed in the Vedic literature as the son of Maya, is no one else than Lord Marduk himself, and Marduk is thus in charge of Atalaloka—the most upper realm of the seven lower lokas.

We know from Level IV that Lord, at that point called Lord Ea, signed over the Underworld to  his son when Ea no longer could produce his own offspring because of Prince Ninurta who deprived him of his manhood in the Rigel War. Albeit, Ea still had “a father’s hand” over the whole thing, Marduk was the one who from thereon produced the human hybrid offspring—the offspring from which the majority of the human population belongs to today—we are talking about the mainstream Homo sapiens sapiens.

Typical for both Marduk and his father, even in the Vedic scriptures, is that they used women as sex objects and as “lesser beings.” Marduk, in fact, is known to be even more suppressive to women than his father, for whatever that is worth.

Bala/Marduk created (manipulated) three types of women; i) Svarinīs (“self-willed”), who liked to marry men from their own “group,” ii) Kāmanīs (“lustful”), who (slept with) and married men from any group, and iii) Puḿścalīs (“whorish”), who kept changing partners. The enticement here is that when a male dies, he may enter Atalaloka, where he immediately gets enchanted by all these types of women, who give him “an intoxicating cannabis drink that induces sexual energy in the man. Then, these women enjoy sexual play with the “traveler,” who feels as if he is stronger than ten thousand elephants and forgets impending death.[52]

Regardless what some men may think about that, we see pure manipulation at play again (“…and forgets impending death”). With all these beautiful women serving the deceased male, he can be manipulated into anything. Also, as a side note—is there something similar for women, where handsome men come and seduce them after death? I haven’t found any information that indicates this. I am not promoting this kind of irresponsible behavior, but from the manipulators’ perspective, it’s favoritism at play again—women are considered second class citizens, and don’t have the same rights and pleasures as men do. Much of what is explained here should not be taken totally literally, of course, as some of it is metaphors and allegories, but the intents and the overall meaning is highly valid data.

9. Vitalaloka. This loka is ruled by Hara-Bhava, which is said to be a form of Shiva, who we already earlier in this paper proved to be Marduk—Shiva, being the son of Vishnu, who is proven to be Lord Ea or, depending on the time period. This level includes ghosts and goblins, who are masters of the goldmines. “The residents of this realm are adorned with gold from this region,”[53] it is said.

Fig. 5. Seductive young woman in Atalaloka.

Obviously, this is Marduk’s realm as well, which is just another lower level, leading to the Vedic Hell, as we shall see. Loka number 8, above, is there to entice the recently deceased, and before he knows it, he is descending further down to loka number 9, 10, 11, and from there, downhill it goes. Interesting also is the mentioning of gold and goldmines. Gold is still there in abundance in the “underworld”—in spite of the hundreds of thousands of years of digging on the AIF’s part. Here it is said that the gold is dug by ghosts and goblins, which sounds like it corresponds to deceased humans (ghosts) and demonic type of beings (goblins). It’s all done in the astral. Where did all the tempting, seductive, and enchanting women go? Here they are nowhere to be found.

10. Sutalaloka. This region is run by King Mahabali, a demonic Asura king,[54] another AIF player. In spite of this, Mahabali was worshipped as a benevolent king, who at one time blessed the island, Bali,[55] which took its name after this demon god. In Hinduism and Buddhism not all demons are evil, but in my opinion, it’s quite ludicrous that a demon king in the Satanic Underworld can be deemed benevolent.

We are told in Indian scriptures that King Mahabali’s grandfather is Prahlada, and a search for this being comes up with the following quote from Bhāgavata Gita:

Quote #22: Among the Daitya demons I am the devoted Prahlada, among subduers I am time, among beasts I am the lion, and among birds I am Garuda.[56]

I am aware that we are a little ahead of ourselves here, and everything that’s unclear now will be thoroughly and more easily explained in upcoming papers. However, in Quote #21 Garuda is mentioned, and the bird is closely associated with this being— a bird as in the “Bird Tribe.” Once again, we are back to the aquatic Bird Tribe.

Garuda, a large, humanoid bird,[57] was the son of the “Creator-Rishi,” Kaśyapa, according to the Mahabharata.[58] Kaśyapa, as we can see, was a Creator, which is a title for Lord in the Sumerian scriptures. In the Vedas, Kaśyapa is said to be the “father of humanity.”[59] This points directly to Lord However, Kaśyapa is also going to be looked into more deeply in future papers, but for now, I just want to show the reader whom I have concluded Kaśyapa to be. Thus, we have Garuda being the son of Kaśyapa, which in conclusion, would make Garuda Marduk’s counterpart.

In summary, let us return to where we started. I have now suggested that Mahabali, the “benevolent demon king,” according to the records, is the grandson of Prahlada, who is the equivalent to Garuda, who is the equivalent to Lord Marduk. If we read this literally, Mahabali would therefore be Marduk’s grandson, which in some aspects makes sense because Mahabali, in the Vedas, is portrayed as human (read human hybrid). Hence, either Marduk had his human hybrid grandson rule Sutalaloka, or Marduk deliberately changed the records so that it looks as if his grandson rules this region, when in fact, it’s Marduk himself who is in charge. However, I can’t prove the latter, so for now, I want to go with the version that this part of the Underworld, in Vedic times, was ruled by Marduk’s grandson.

Remember, though, whom these beings are. What appears benevolent on the surface is nothing compared with experiencing them in their right elements. Sutalaloka is a part of the Underworld, and therefore, benevolence is hardly a term appropriate to this being when meeting him in his own domain. Aren’t top players in today’s society said to act in a similar way? They seem quite normal and benevolent when they meet the regular people, but behind the scenes, they can act like monsters, doing rituals and being accustomed to rape and sacrifice of children.

11. Talatalaloka. This realm is controlled by Maya, the “demon-architect.”[60] This is interesting because I suggested in loka number 8 that Maya is the counterpart of Varuna, who is the counterpart of Lord This means that according to these records, Lord is still overtly in charge of this lower domain. For some reason, he seems to not have handed this region over to his son, Marduk. However, in a strange twist of fate, Shiva, “the Destroyer” (Marduk), is said to have destroyed the three cities of Maya, but was later pleased with Maya, so he gave this region to and promised to protect him.[61] This is the mythological explanation for why still is the Lord of Talatalaloka—it was once given to Marduk, and it included three cities, apparently. Therefore, these cities were originally built by when he owned this domain. gave the domain to Marduk, who destroyed the cities—allegedly, he didn’t like them. Not to make Marduk look foolish in the scriptures, it sounds as if he suddenly changed his mind regarding the cities and gave the entire domain back to Logically, this is hardly what happened. If the story of the cities is true at all, it’s more reasonable to think that the destruction of the cities annoyed enough to take this domain away from his son, and regained the throne, where he now sits with his “consort,” Queen Ereškigal.

We also learn about this region that Maya is well-versed in sorcery,[62] which of course can easily be attributed to Lord

12. Mahatalaloka. This realm is aboded by “many-hooded Nagas (serpents).”[63] In subsection “iii.v,” we learned that the Nagas are snake-like inter-dimensional beings who can travel through solid matter. I suggested that the Nagas are’s Minions, which turns out to be correct. Most likely, they are also one of those races that reside in the Sirius star system. I advise you to review Paper #3, subsection “iii.v” if you have forgotten about the Nagas—thus, you will get a clearer picture of who is residing in this loka, deep down in the Underworld. It is said that the Nagas live in this realm in peace, but that they “always fear Garuda, the eagle-man.” By now, we know that Garuda is Marduk. With this statement about Garuda, there is a vague reference to Marduk being the king of this loka.

13. Rasatalaloka. Now we’re getting closer to the Vedic Hell. This region is inhabited by demons—here called Dānavas and Daityas. These demons are known by Hindus to be cruel and mighty. They are said to be foes of the Devas and live in holes, like serpents.[64]

Here is another example where we need to use previous knowledge to be able to correctly interpret what the above paragraph says. This is a good reason why we need to learn at least the basics of all these deities and the realms in which they dwell (on Earth or off-planet). Here it says that the demons are the foes of the Devas, and the Devas are the gods in the Vedas. Gods can be interpreted as either Lord and his cohorts, Queen Nin (feminine: “Devi”) and Khan En.lil, or both. This is what makes religion and mythology so ingenious because it can be interpreted as applying to both or either of these two groups and still make sense in a way. Of course, from a Vedic viewpoint,  these demons are the enemies of Lord Vishnu and the higher hierarchy of the gods, but in this case, Devas must be referred to as Queen Nin and Khan En.lil—the real enemies of the demons. In actuality, the demons are of course Lord’s Minions. I am not trying to confuse the reader here—the confusion is deliberately put in the Vedic texts, so they can have many-faceted interpretations. If anything, I am trying to create some stable data in the confusion.

14. Patalaloka. This is the last and the lowest of all the lokas—the one just above the Vedic Hell. It is also called Patala or Nagaloka, and just as Mahatalaloka, Patalaloka is the region of the Nagas, the snake people—exactly as the name indicates. The Nagas of this region are ruled by Vasuki, [65]  the “Great Naga King.” According to the Vedas, Vasuki worked together with Vishnu and the Asuras to obtain Amrita, the life-elixir that would make beings immortal—or at least next to immortal (in physical terms). This Amrita was churned from the “Ocean of Milk,” which of course is the Cosmic Ocean[66] (also being a term for the Milky Way Galaxy). Vasuki, the Great Naga King, is also “Lord Shiva’s Snake.”[67] It is quite interesting how these three adversaries to the Goddess—Vishnu, Shiva, and Vasuki—work hand in hand in order to illegally try to obtain the life-elixir from the Cosmic Ocean—a life-elixir they have no right to after they rebelled and became enemies of the Orion Empire.

Last, we learn that each Naga in Patalaloka wears a hood decorated with a jewel, and the light from these jewels is what is illuminating this lowest of the lower realms—one step above Hell. Without these jewels, it would be pitch black.

We have now gone through all fourteen lokas—the seven upper ones and the seven lower ones. Directly below the Paatalas are the planets of the Pitras, as described in the Purāṇas. The “Pitras” are the ancestors, which means that these are the planets where the ancestors of the living dwell. This is, as the reader can see, a contradiction, as the ancestors of course must have gone through the same paths of the Afterlife as anybody else, but as we know by now, mythology is not always meant to be taken literally.

i.vii. Naraka—the Vedic “Hell”

Beneath the planets of the Pitras is the Naraka, or the Naraklokas—the hellish planets, located just above the Garbhodaka Ocean.

The Naraka is where the sinners are punished and could be said to be the equivalent to the Roman Catholic Purgatory, in the same sense that it is not an infinite punishment, as it is in the Christian Hell. The Naraka is a temporary abode for souls who need to “learn their lessons.” I am going to spend some time on this loka because it has to do with the Afterlife, and it may help the reader to further understand what happens to souls after they die and get trapped in the AIF’s recycling system. It also further proves what I’ve been exposing on this subject in previous levels of learning.

In charge of the Naraka is a deity called Yama. He is also the “God of Justice,” and thus the one who decides what a soul needs to accomplish before she can leave Naraka. Yama is assisted by beings called Yamadūtas—beings who are astonishingly similar to the “Grays.” They look strange and frightening to the newly deceased and emanate very negative energies.[68] They are also the ones who have to do with the transmigration of souls, and they are equipped with some mystical powers, so-called siddhis, which they use in order to carry out their duties. In the Vedas it is said that these beings are picking up souls who have been too entangled in the material world and are in need of special “care.” However, when we research it more thoroughly, it looks as if there’s a little bit more to it than that. 

Fig. 6. Naraka, the Hindu version of Hell.

To more explicidly understand the Afterlife phenomenon from both an ancient Vedic perspective and how it works today, we need to make some parallels between the two different time periods. The best comparison, perhaps, can be done if we involve today’s UFO abduction phenomenon. The idea that the abductors have something to do with the Afterlife and recycling of souls is not farfetched at all and has been discussed both by myself and other researchers in the field.

A classic abduction case is of course that of Whitley Strieber, who repeatedly had been abducted with the typical short Grays.[69] As we discussed—especially in Level III—there are different kinds of Grays. There are those who evolved more or less naturally in the Universe and have branched out into many different subspecies, but there are also those who are genetically engineered and manipulated, similar to us humans. One group of the Grays can, in fact, be divided into several sub-groups, coming from our future in order to regain their ability to recreate. They are abducting humans to study our DNA so that they can transfer some strands of our DNA into their own bodies, hoping they can become more humanlike again. They are therefore applying a sort of reverse genetic engineering by taking our DNA and inserting it into themselves, in contrast to how the AIF did it when giving their DNA to us. These future versions of the Grays are those who came out of the Machine Kingdom, which as of yet has not been established on Earth (seen from a linear perspective).

Fig. 7. Whitley Strieber

Last, there is a faction of the Grays, used by the AIF as “space suits.” The AIF figured out a long time ago that the Gray prototype can withstand radiation and other hardship that goes with basic space travel. Thus, the souls of the AIF can manifest in genetically manipulated Gray prototypes, and thereby travel through space in physical, or semi-physical, form. We frequently discuss the Grays in the UFO community because these are the most common ETs that have been seen on and around this planet. The reason for this is exactly as pointed out above—it’s a way for the AIF to visit our physical 3-D realm and the dimensions close by.

I have little doubt that it is this last category of Grays that have abducted Whitley Strieber, regardless where they say they originate from. These Grays are simply servants (or Minions) to the AIF leaders, and they originate from many different places in the Universe, as we have discussed in previous papers. Thus, it is interesting to hear that these same Grays have been telling Strieber that “We recycle souls.”[70] After having heard this from his “visitors,” Strieber pondered the following: “Could it be that the soul is not only real, but the flux of souls between life and death is a process directed by consciousness and supported by artistry and technology?”[71] He then continues by rhetorically asking, “Who watches us?”[72]

Fig. 8. Strieber’s “Gray”

The idea that the gods are using technology and artistry (including holograms) to manipulate souls in the Afterlife coincides very much with Vedic ideas, although in the Vedas it has, as I mentioned earlier, to do with transmigration from one realm of Afterlife location to another, in what is meant to appear as a more benevolent trickery. However, when looking at Vedic artists’ idea of the Naraka, and what happens there, looks far from benevolent to me. Still, in order to get across to humanity as “humanitarian gods,” the AIF makes it seem as if it were inevitable to have people go through Naraka when the soul needs it.

Although Strieber considers his abductors to be mostly benevolent (albeit he is going back and forth on the subject), it’s quite easy for bystanders like ourselves to see that his abductors are anything but. The Vedas want to make a similar claim that the Yamadūtas are benevolent in the sense that they just want to assist in the soul’s spiritual journey, but there are several examples that clearly show the vicious intent of the Yamadūtas.

Similar to the Grays that Strieber is dealing with, the Yamadūtas can also walk through walls and ceilings—in other words, they are interdimensional. Also, just like the Grays induce “Out of Body Experiences” (OBE) in the subject, so can the Yamadūtas. I haven’t found any precise description of how the Yamadūtas are supposed to look like, but they act in a fashion that makes us think of demons, and hence, it’s not too farfetched to suggest that the Yamadūtas and the Grays are one and the same (the Grays certainly look like demons to us humans). Richard L. Thompson, who like me, has looked into the Afterlife phenomenon in relation to the Yamadūtas and the Grays, added the following in his book, “Alien Identities:”

Quote #23: I suspect that we are seeing a few traces of a complex universal control system involving many different types of intelligent beings.[73]

There seem to be two different Yamadūta agendas. One is to “rehabilitate” the soul of the deceased person and then transmigrate that soul to another, higher loka. The other agenda is to recycle the soul back to the Earth plane later on in the process, or Bhurloka, as it is called in the Vedas. Lord Yama is the one who is supervising the Yamadūtas in completing either of these two tasks.

Who, then, is this mythical Lord Yama? When we look into his persona, we learn from the Rig Veda that he has two dogs, or hounds, guarding the road to his abode. These two dogs have been compared to Hellhounds,[74] which is quite logical because we know he is the Lord of Hell. However, we have talked about the Hellhounds before, if the reader recalls. In Level IV, “Paper #5, “Lucifer’s Rebellion,” we discussed the Hellhounds from Sirius. According to Robert Temple in his book, The Sirius Mystery, the “Hounds from Hell” is possibly a term for the entire Sirius system. I also connected the word “hell” or “hel” with the Goddess Hel or Hela in Norse mythology, where she is the “Goddess of Death.” We start to feel a strange resemblance to Queen Ereškigal, Lord Nergal, and the Rulers of the Underworld.  This is not without merit because we don’t need to look very far before we find the following:

Quote #24: His [Yama’s] Greek counterpart is Hades and Thanatos. His Egyptian counterpart is Osiris.[75]

In Level IV, I went into detail about who Hades and Osiris are, and it was established that both of them are in turn counterparts to Lord (Nergal) in Sumerian texts. In other words, we can then, with good conscience, establish that Lord Yama is This means that Lord is the one who supervises the recycling of souls, and the Yamadūtas are, without doubt, the “Grays,” i.e.’s Minions in their radioactivity resistant bodies.

Fig. 9. Shiva with his four arms, and Yama, riding a buffalo.

Furthermore, it’s easy to connect the Underworld with Sirius because of Sirius A’s energetic connection with our own Sun and star system, as discussed earlier. Only because the Underworld is related to our own planet and what exists beneath our feet—in other dimensions—it doesn’t mean that in the metaphysical world, this realm doesn’t spread its tentacles to planets and moons within our own solar system (such as Mars), and that of others (such as Sirius, Canopus, and perhaps Arcturus).

Last, beneath Naraka is the Garbhodaka Ocean, which by some is depicted as the Cosmic Ocean of dark matter on which the Earth rests.

II. The Significance of the Pole Star

The polestar, called Dhruvaloka, is said to be the pivot of this universe, and all planets move around this polestar.

Quote #25: SB 4.29.42-44, Purport: All the great sages mentioned in this verse have their planets near Brahmaloka, the planet where Lord Brahmā resides along with four great sages—Sanaka, Sanātana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumāra. These sages reside in different stars known as the southern stars, which circle the polestar. The polestar, called Dhruvaloka, is the pivot of this universe, and all planets move around this polestar. All the stars are planets, as far as we can see, within this one universe. According to Western theory, all the stars are different suns, but according to Vedic information, there is only one sun within this universe. All the so-called stars are but different planets. Besides this universe, there are many millions of other universes, and each of them contains similar innumerable stars and planets.[76]

Because celestial bodies move around in the cosmos, the polestar in relation to the Earth changes with time. Remarkably enough, the Vedas, which are amongst the oldest sacred scriptures in the world, are said to first have been written down around 1500 BCE (Before Common Era).[77] This is very significant because this is actually the time (1500 BCE) when we had a change in polestars. From 1500 BCE to 500 BCE , Kochab (β Ursae Minoris)[78] and Pherkad (γ Ursae Minoris)[79] played the roles as polestars, so at that time, we actually had two polestars. These stars are 130 light-years, and 487 light-years away from Earth, respectively. After that, Polaris (α Ursae Minoris) became the polestar, and has remained so up until this day. Polaris is 434 light-years from Earth.

Fig. 10. Ursa Major, Ursa Minor and Draco.

As we can see, Ursa Minor (the Little Dipper, or the Little  Bear) has had a significant role in Earth’s history. However, if 1500 BCE was when the oldest Vedas were allegedly written down, this means that the stories told in these ancient texts are much older. Therefore, in the sense of polestars, there is one star that had even more significance to the Vedic texts than Kochab and Pherkad. This star was Thuban (α Draconis). Thuban was the polestar from approximately 4000 BCE to 1500 BCE.[80] Thus, when the Vedas speak about the polestar, they are probably mostly talking about Alpha Draconis.[81] This is interesting because these two asterisms—Ursa Minor and Alpha Draconis—are the major ones we have discussed in previous papers in relation to the AIF. Both these constellations were conquered, for the most part, and made into strongholds by Lord and his army. Moreover, Draco and the Little Bear are also two of the most discussed constellations in UFOlogy of today. They are both considered being occupied by malevolent star races (the Dracos and Reptilians, mainly). Although there is much disinformation on the Internet about star races— what they look like and where they come from, the information that these two asterisms are populated by to us unfriendly star beings is basically correct.

The polestar is called Dhruva in Vishnu Purāna and the Brahmanda, and was located in the tail of a celestial animal figure known as the Dolphin at the time.[82] This ancient constellation can be easily recognized in today’s night sky as the Draco constellation, and Dhruva is the equivalent to the star we today call Thuban (α Draconis).[83] Vishnu Purāna is visualizing the story of Thuban in the Legend of Dhruva, which is supposedly played out around 2800BCE,[84] almost 5000 years ago. At that time, Thuban was definitely the polestar.

The polestar in the Hindu religion is relevant because it’s supposedly the abode of Lord Vishnu ( in this Universe.[85] This is important to emphasize because we are talking about the visible universe now, in which this whole manipulation is taking place. The Srimad-Bhagavatam, from which this information is taken, tells us that Lord Vishnu’s abode in relation to his cosmic agenda is the polestar. From the evidence I just provided, it shows that Thuban was the polestar when the information in Srimad-Bhagavatam took place, so even though the polestar changes with time, it’s reasonable to believe that Thuban was, and still is, the abode of Lord Vishnu. What this means, from all we can tell, is that Thuban is the star, and Alpha Draconis is the star system, in which he resides. This does not mean, however, that Vishnu/ is necessarily steadfast in Draco—only that it’s his abode as Lord Vishnu—it’s the Vedic tradition.

III. The Underlying Vedic Tradition in Today’s UFO Community

Concerning Vedic traditions—it’s no coincidence that certain star systems are mentioned in today’s channeled material, and elsewhere, because the abode of certain star beings—New Age (which should really read Old Age) is to a large degree based upon the Vedic belief system. It seems as if the AIF still wants to keep this extensive literature as a template for the UFO community and exopolitics, without people’s awareness that this is the case.

We have many examples of this, besides the star systems mentioned in today’s UFO literature and in channeling. A few examples would be,

a. The Soul. The Vedic view on soul and consciousness is almost identical with that which is discussed in the UFO community, New Age, and the Spiritual Awakening Movement. The soul is immortal and constantly striving to evolve into higher awareness and consciousness.

b. Oneness. “We are all One” is something we hear about a lot in any alternative research. It basically means that we are all coming from the same Super Being—God or Goddess—and we were all separated from this Divine Spirit and sent out in the Universe to create and to learn. Ultimately, it’s God or the Goddess who is learning from what we, His or Her soul fractions, do. This way, the Supreme Being learns more about Himself or Herself. This is a typical Vedic idea, where the soul’s journey goes from being a human here on Earth to ascending to a higher realm when we die, until we, hopefully, one day reach the state of Brahmā, the Hindu version of Heaven, where we join with Lord Vishnu and live happily forever after.Just as in modern New Age beliefs, we first need to qualify to go to Heaven (Satyaloka or Brahmaloka), and unless we really are saints, we don’t go there. First, we need to go through a hierarchy of lokas, where gods and demigods dwell, and when we have learned enough to qualify for the next loka, we ascend again. In between, we are recycled back to Earth to live another lifetime, in which the potential of messing up is relatively great, and instead of ascending, we may descend and end up in one of the seven lower lokas, or in Nakala (Hell).

c. Ascension. As mentioned under b., ascension is a Vedic idea, and it really seems to originate in the Hindu religion and the Vedas. There it’s called lokas, while it’s called dimensions in today’s movements. Other than that, the similarities are stunning! It would be of great potential value for the soul’s journey to ponder whether ascension to higher dimensions is just a carrot that the AIF sticks in front of our noses to keep us occupied with an idea that is not what it seems to be. If the idea is an AIF idea to begin with, why would we want to progress in that direction? Would it really lead to freedom? Would it really make us become One with the God/Goddess? Or is ascension just some nonsense that we occupy our minds with in the Matrix—the Hologram? Moreover—if those channeled entities, regardless whether they call themselves Ra, Elohim, the Nibiruans, the Galactic Federation of Light, Ascended Masters, or anything more or less fancy and powerful, promote ascension, are they then of the real Divine, or are they Minions of Lord

Very few New Agers are willing to see the elephant in the living room, and the reason for that is quite obvious. The ascension process seems so enticing and so promising that many people who believe in it don’t want to listen to someone who is not supporting it. It doesn’t matter if things don’t make sense—people are so tired of the stress and suffering under the oppressive forces that control their lives that they want something glamorous to brighten up their existence. They want hope for the future, but by the same token, they want someone else—in this case, the ETs—to do the job for them. The Harvest/ascension scenario seems to be a perfect and exciting solution. There is only on problem, however—it’s a trap!

d. UFOs and Aliens. The big difference between the Vedic texts and today’s UFO sightings and alien encounters is that in ancient times, the “aliens” lived amongst us—today, they are more or less hiding and lurking in the background. Other than that, the gods and demigods in the Vedas had their Vimānas (flying machines that could fly within the atmosphere, in space, and between dimensions), and we have the UFOs and the alien encounters—same thing! Over the eons, the AIF have had many different agendas, and most of them are still in progress. One of these agendas is to create the Machine Kingdom. This is an old AIF goal, which goes back to Atlantis, but at that time the AIF failed. They had created so much chaos and confusion with their genetic engineering programs that they also created the destruction of their own civilization. We know how it all ended—a large part of the world was swept away by the Deluge. However, the AIF didn’t give up, and they started anew, but the goals remained the same. However, before the goals could be reached, we humans had to evolve, approximately to the point where we are. Thus, the reader can see that the AIF actually doesn’t mind if we humans evolve—they are counting on it, and they need us to, or we would be useless for the tasks they have in mind for us. Most people within alternative groups think that they are creating a big problem for the Elite when they raise their frequency and become more aware and knowledgeable. They think that they challenge the AIF and make them nervous, when most people, in fact, are playing right into the hands of the oppressors.

We are usually not a threat to the AIF only by expanding our consciousness. From what I can understand, there are only two ways we can become major threats to the AIF. They are, i) as genuine whistle-blowers. You have at some point worked with something that is classified as Top Secret or above, and you decide to reveal this information to the public. Your life depends on how sensitive this information is—if it’s sensitive enough to change any major plans for the AIF or if it may become a threat to one or more of the important people behind the scenes, they may murder you or take other actions to make you stop communicating. If the information is not sensitive enough to make any real change in their plans, they may just meet it with silence. This is part of the psychological warfare—silence sometimes works better than anything else, and ii) you raise your vibration, awareness, and consciousness, but refuse to step into any of the AIF’s traps that they have set up for people who are evolving. Those who can see through the AIF’s intentions in almost everything they do and just keep evolving are a serious enough threat to and his cohorts, but if you also convince others to do the same and if you are successful with it, they may even become afraid of what you’re doing. To them, it means that more and more people start knowing the truth about them. It’s not that they fear you in person, but if people start becoming smart enough to see through their agendas, they lose their power over us, and that’s what they are afraid of. However, it doesn’t stop there! We are not the only planet in the Universe where the native species have been manipulated in a similar way as we have been. Someone “in the know” once whispered in my ear that Lord has made more damage in the Universe than people think. In other words, he has conquered more worlds and star systems than we can imagine, and genetic engineering and manipulation is always part of the agenda for controlling the native population of a certain planet or star. If we humans wake up here on Earth to such an extent that the AIF can’t control us anymore, they are afraid that the same thing may happen somewhere else. Although the AIF may seem powerful and frightening to many people, it’s not that the AIF is without fear—quite the opposite. Beings who want to induce fear in others have a lot of fears inside themselves as well. This is why they need to control everybody else to feel safer. You probably stumbled upon the typical bully in school, who surrounded himself or herself with a lot of “friends.” These friends, however, are actually more like “followers” than they are friends. By recruiting followers, the bully gives everybody the impression of being undefeatable. The followers, who themselves are fearful, think they are safe following the bully because no one dares to do anything bad to a follower. No one really understands that the bully is the person who is the most afraid.

In conclusion—the real wake up of mankind can’t occur until we realize that most of today’s spiritual movements are based on the Vedas, and the Vedas are AIF propaganda to keep us encouraged and hopeful, but still trapped.

I received a newsletter in my email just a few days ago that verified that others had discovered the same thing regarding the Vedic literature. The following is from a newsletter called “Filer’s File, and is about UFOs, alien encounters, and other “paranormal” phenomena. I am going to quote what the article states about the Vedas (the only editing I have done from the original text is to create a few “new paragraphs,” in order to make the otherwise condensed text easier to read, deleted an end parenthesis that didn’t have a beginning, and added an end quote that was missing.)

Buddhist and Hindu Scripture Tells of Other Worlds

Fig. 10. Ursa Major, Ursa Minor and Draco.

Capers Jones  writes, “A description of an alien visit is in the Buddhist Lotus Sutra scripture called Saddharma Pundarika that was first written circa 300 A.D. Buddha himself was born in 563 BC, so the Lotus Sutra was obviously written by Buddhist monks around eight centuries after his death. The English language version cited here was translated by H. Kern and originally published in 1884. Buddhist cosmology is surprisingly modern and recognizes the existence of millions of other worlds and casually asserts that they are inhabited. Each inhabited world is stated to have a Buddha of its own enlightened being.”.

In Buddhist teachings, anyone is theoretically capable of becoming a Buddha, although actually accomplishing this goal is rare. One Buddhist scripture mentions in passing that on earth sermons are given with words, but on other worlds sermons may be given with light or with scents or by other non-verbal means. Another modern aspect of Buddhist cosmology is the recognition that the universe has existed for many millions of years. The concept is first mentioned in the epic Mahabharata Hindu poem that according to Dr. V. Raghavan, retired head of the Sanskrit department of India’s prestigious University of Madras. He contends that centuries-old Hindu documents prove that aliens from outer space visited his nation. “Fifty years of researching this ancient works convinces me that there are livings beings on other planets, and that they visited earth as far back as 4,000 B.C.,” The scholar says. “There is a just a mass of fascinating information about flying machines, even fantastic science fiction weapons, that can be found in translations of the Vedas (scriptures), Indian epics, and other ancient Sanskrit text.”

Fig. 12. War between gods.

In the Puja ritual there is worship of images of God that has become in recent times a great and potent tenet of faith and belief in out  [sic. Replace “out” with “the.” Wes’ comment]Hindu Religion. Puja is not only performed in temples but also in many Hindu homes. The object of the puja ritual is to create and setup thoughts of spiritual forces in and around the worshipers. This is best achieved by singing or chanting of mantras, performing certain actions and making offerings in three defined stages. Each mantra is a magazine of vast spiritual forces. In the Mahabharata (writings), there is notion of divine lighting and ray weapons, even a kind of hypnotic weapon. ‘Lord of the Three Worlds’ (Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva). Lord Brahma is the first member of the Brahmanical triad, Vishnu being the second and Shiva, the third.

Fig. 13. A “Gandara.”

Brahma is the god of creation and he is traditionally accepted as the Creator of the entire universe. Lord Vishnu holds a discus which always returns by itself after being thrown. He rides a huge flying creature, called Gandara shown at left. His home is in a heaven. Many religions throughout the world have beliefs indicating God and his messengers ride in space ships. Capers Jones  states, Buddhist cosmology also overlaps modern quantum theory, in that the Buddhists think that the void or emptiness is the source of both material objects and energy. As in quantum theory, particles can flash into existence from the void. The fact that material objects are constructed from millions of small particles is also part of Buddhist teaching. A central teaching of Buddhist philosophy is that all objects composed of such particles are fated to decay.This entropy or decay applies to living creatures, material objects, and the universe itself. Since Buddhist cosmology dates back prior to 525 BC, it is interesting that there are so many similarities between Buddhist cosmology and modern cosmology.

Fig. 14. Old artifact.

Incidentally at about the time the Lotus Sutra was being written, the famous Buddhist University of Nalanda was being created in Northern India. Nalanda was the first university to teach astronomy and cosmology, as well as teaching mathematics. It is still in existence. Although Nalanda was a Buddhist university, it was surprisingly eclectic and attracted students of other religions and students from many Asian countries. For example, translations from Sanscrit into Chinese carried out at the University of Nalanda preserved many valuable scientific documents whose originals were later destroyed during the Muslim invasions of the 11th century.

• The existence of many other inhabited worlds is casually accepted.

• Both psychic and physical travel between worlds is casually accepted.

• Forms of communication other than words are casually accepted.

• Visiting aliens can apparently assume human shapes if desired.

• A surprising alien motive for visiting earth is to learn and share knowledge.

• Human beings and the earth are described as being ugly to aliens.

• At least some aliens visiting earth are cautioned not to be rude to humans.

Considering that the Lotus Sutra was written around the 3rd century AD and the English translation was made in 1884, the concept of interstellar travel is surprisingly matter of fact. It is stated explicitly in the chapter that extra-terrestrials can travel between worlds and that visits to earth are not uncommon. Somewhat more surprising is the concept that instantaneous mental communication between enlightened beings on many worlds is possible and indeed a common activity. This is surprisingly similar to the idea of “entanglement” from physics, or instantaneous communication between widely separated particles.[86] 

In general, this article summarizes quite well some of the things we’ve learned thus far. When I studied Sumerian mythology, a deep-study was necessary in order to put the pieces together to convince potential skeptics that what the cuneiforms communicate are not just fables without some anchor in our historical past. However, when we move over to the Vedas, things become much more obvious, much faster. A person has to be quite closed-minded not to see that the ancient Vedas, which usually are older than the Sumerian texts, readily tell us about alien visitors, space travel, how the Universe is constructed, and much more. There are even scientists today, as we discussed earlier, who use Vedic texts as inspiration and evidence. Also, the Vedas, for those who honestly want to know about ET visitors in the past, really take away the delusion that ancient myths by and large should be equivalent to some primitive Bronze Age superstition or some manmade religion.  

IV. The Evolution of Consciousness

The planet Nibiru has been lively discussed in different forums— as well as in this one. As the reader knows, I have concluded, based on the evidence I have provided, that Nibiru is not a planet that belongs to our solar system and orbits the Sun in 3600 years, contrary to what Zechariah Sitchin and his followers say. Moreover, Nibiru is not the original planet, or the home planet, of Lord and his Fallen Angels. However, I did present a hypothesis that Nibiru could be the home world of a Sirian race that had its planet bounced out of orbit during the Sirian Wars. For a while, it drifted around in deep space, waiting for another solar system to pull it in through its gravitational field sometime in the future . After some time has passed, Nibiru instead was made into a hollowed out spaceship that no longer drifted around aimlessly in space, but now became intelligently controlled. This was done by the AIF in order to help the surviving population of the planet that once belonged to the Sirius star system. In exchange, the inhabitants of Nibiru swore allegiance to the Rebels, i.e. Lord and his cohorts.

Furthermore, we have discussed that hollowed-out asteroids, planetoids, and even moons and planets have been frequently used by the AIF as battleships in space wars and for their conquest in space. These crafts are the most successful battleships they have because they are very deadly, very high-tech, and hard to destroy—at least initially. Before an enemy manages to destroy a battleship such as that, the battleship usually has already annihilated the enemy.

Fig. 15. Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens

The now deceased Lt. Col. of U.S. Air force,  Wendelle C. Stevens,[87] who also was a UFO research pioneer, once mentioned a study on the origin of UFOs carried out by a think tank in Brussels called Laboratoire de Recherche A. Kraainem.[88] In this study, it was concluded that when a civilization has reached a certain stage in its development and technology, a civilization will leave their home planet and “live in huge ‘mother-ships,’ artificial worlds of their own creation perfectly adapted to their own needs and constantly maintained and perfected by them. […] The artificial worlds are entirely self-sufficient and depend on no other planet or physical body for support. They are maintained and cruise [in] space indefinitely.”[89]

This is very interesting for at least two reasons. The first reason is the comparison with the hollowed-out craft that the AIF is using. We’ll come back more to this in a moment, after we’ve discussed the second reason for my interest in the Brussel study.

In the Vedic texts, self-sustaining flying cities, travelling indefinitely through space, are also mentioned. Thompson, in “Alien Identities” writes about a set of three flying cities built by Maya Dānava for the sons of the Asura Tāraka. In the scripture, Śiva Purāṇa, these cities are described as follows:

Quote #26: Then the highly intelligent Maya built the cities by means of his penance: the golden one for Tārakākṣa, the silver one for Kamalākṣa, and the steel one for Vidyunmālī. The three fortlike excellent cities were in order in heaven, sky and on the earth. … Entering the three cities thus, the sons of Tāraka, the three fortlike excellent cities were in order in heaven, sky and on the earth. … Entering the three cities thus, the sons of Tāraka, of great strength and valour, experienced all enjoyments. They had many Kalpa trees there. Elephants and horses were in plenty. There were many palaces with gems. Aerial chariots shining like the solar sphere, set with Padmarāga stones, moving in all directions and looking like moonshine, illuminated the cities.[90]  [91]

Thompson is also quoting another passage, this time from the Mahābhārata, about another city in space. For certain reasons that I want to discuss after the quote, I want to include this one here as well because I find it quite fascinating. This is the story of the flying city called Hiraṇyapura. The city was seen floating around in space by the Vedic hero, Arjuna, while he was traveling through the celestial realms after he had taken part in a great battle. Arjuna was accompanied by a Deva named Mātali, and he asked him about this city. Mātali answered him:

Quote #27: There once were a Daitya woman called Pulomā and a great Asurī Kālakā, who observed extreme austerities for a millennium of years of the Gods. At the end of their mortifications the self-existent God gave them a boon. They chose as their boon that their progeny should suffer little, Indra of kings, and be inviolable by Gods, Rākṣasas and Snakes. This lovely airborne city, with the splendor of good works, piled with all precious stones and impregnable even to the Immortals, the bands of Yakṣas and Gandharvas, and Snakes, Asuras, and Rākṣasas, filled with all desires and virtues, free from sorrow and disease, was created for the Kālakeyas by Brahmā, O best of the Bhāratas. The Immortals shun this celestial, sky-going city, O hero, which is peopled by Pauloma and Kālakeya Asuras. This great city is called Hiraṇyapura, the City-of-Gold.[92]

We may have to keep one thing in mind—the AIF, when they dictated the Veda texts, they may have wanted to describe their technology as something very beautiful and attractive, instead of saying that there are hollowed-out asteroids in space, in which some of the gods live. That doesn’t sound very attractive, but floating cities of gold, covered with precious stones, does. The whole point is to describe this to humans in a way that makes us curious enough to long for these realms. The same thing is done today in UFOlogy—handsome star beings are explaining how wonderful the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions are and how easy everything will be there, as long as you turn the other cheek in this world, do good to others, and believe that we are all One.

There are other similarities between the Vedas and New Age—the longevity. In New Age, we are enticed to move into higher dimensions where our lives will be extended significantly. The RA Material discusses how our bodies live a very long time compared to here in Third Density.

Quote #28: Questioner: What is the… can you even state the average lifespan in the fourth density of space/time incarnation?

Ra: I am Ra. The space/time incarnation typical of harmonious fourth density is approximately 90,000 of your years as you measure time.[93]

Thus, if we approve of the Harvest and let them “help us” ascend to the Fourth Density, we can expect a lifespan of 90,000 years. In the Vedas, if we become like the Devas—the gods and the semi-gods—we will extend our lifespan and become “immortal,” which in reality means that we’ll live for millions of our years. So, the carrot is the same in New Age as it is in Hinduism—longevity and immortality. We’ll be allowed to eat from the Tree of Life.

Longevity, however, may come in many shapes and forms. You don’t have to go with the Space Brothers and live forever and a day on some vague paradise world if that doesn’t tickle your fancy—there are other ways to obtain longevity. How about signing up for their new Machine Kingdom, and embrace Transhumanism and Singularity? You can become half man and half machine and live in a body that is next to indestructible, and if you miss an arm or a leg or even if your head gets cut off, the brilliant technicians of the Machine World can easily put your head in place again, and you can even get a few improvements to your body while they are at it. Tempting? Well, this is most likely the future of Earth—at least on some timelines. Whether we want to experience that or not, we are most probably going to live side by side with these machines for a while, until we manage to change our frequencies enough.

I am quite amazed over the similarities between the Vedas and the beliefs of today’s New Age community—these two realities work side by side. The reader will see much more of this as these papers progress.

V. More on Different Space Travel Techniques

There are three main ways in which beings—sometimes including humans—can space travel in the Vedas. We have discussed this subject earlier, but it is quite mind-boggling to study it because now, in our “advanced” technological era, we can’t do what was apparently done in those ancient days. What is described in these texts can’t be mistaken for anything else other than space travel—some of it so advanced that it yet has to be conceived of by the science community. In that sense, alternative science is far ahead of its mainstream cousin, but in our current era, it’s still just speculation, hypotheses, and theory—we still cannot do it! We simply can’t yet travel to the stars (I should probably correct myself here and say that “from what we’re told, we can’t travel to the stars.” However, there are space programs going on behind our backs, costing billions and trillions of dollars, paid for with black budget money, which has taken mankind to the stars. This is also where theSupersoldiers come into the picture.

In Vedic time, on the other hand, space travel was not a big deal—it was discussed like we discuss a car ride to the next city, or a flight across the country. It wasn’t more mysterious than that.

In Bhāgavata Purāṇa, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda (1896-1977) detailed three different processes how to move in and through outer space, as described in the Vedic texts.

The first, and less advanced, are the mechanical spaceships, similar to those we read about in old-fashion science-fiction books and comic strips. They are called ka-pota-vāhu. Ka in this sense means “ether,” or “space,” and pota means “ship.” Nonetheless, these spaceships don’t travel through deep space for thousands of years, but are using portals, wormholes—or “hyperspace,” as it used to be called in old science fiction literature.

The second process is called ākāśā-patana. Thompson quotes the scripture, Bhaktivedanta here, and it says, “Just as the mind can fly anywhere one likes without mechanical arrangement, so the ākāśā-patanaairplane can fly at the speed of mind.”[94] When we research the old Vedic texts, we notice that the Vimānas—the Vedic flying machines—seem to be using ākāśā-patana as well, and the same thing can be said about the modern UFOs that flicker in the sky, appearing and disappearing in and out of our reality. Not all Vimānas, however, seem to be flying by the pilot’s mind, but fit better under category #1 above.[95]  

Thompson, on this subject, makes excellent references between modern technology and the ancient Vedic technologies in his book, and I find the following particularly interesting:

Quote #29: According to the Bhāgavata Purāṇa, ether is the fabric of space, and all gross matter is generated by transformations of ether.[96] This is an idea reminiscent of John Wheeler’s theory of geometrodynamics, which holds that all material particles are simply twists or deformations of space-time.[97] Both the Bhāgavata Purāṇa and Wheeler’s theory imply that matter is directly connected to ether. Thus it should be possible to manipulate ether by manipulating gross matter. From this, we can see that it might be possible to build a physical machine that can manipulate space-time and provide for unusual modes of travel.

The Bhāgavata Purāṇa also states that the ether is the field of action of the subtle mind.[98] This suggests that it may be possible to manipulate the ether by mind action, thus allowing for the ākāśā-patana system of travel. Note that ākāśā means “ether” and patina means “flying.”[99]  

The above two examples of space travel techniques in ancient times, albeit fascinating, are still material—there is a usage of some kind of machinery and technology. However, there is a more sophisticated way of traveling through space, also mentioned in the Vedas. Such a process is called Vaikuṇṭha. This process is entirely spiritual and does not involve any technology at all. In the Vedas, Vaikuṇṭha is actually the word for the spiritual world. Thompson says, “Whereas the material world is characterized by a duality between insentient matter and sentient spirit, in the world of Vaikuṇṭha, everything is conscious and self-effulgent. Objects in Vaikuṇṭha are made of a sentient substance called cintāmaṇi, which could be translated as “consciousness gem.”[100]

We often read about “riding on swans” in the Vedic literature, and this is more than likely a reference to this kind of space travel. Although Vaikuṇṭha is a purely spiritual concept, Vimānas can also be said to be used in this capacity, as a term for all kinds of travel from one point to another when we discuss a longer distant travel. Thompson continues, “The Vaikuṇṭha Vimānas are often compared with swans, or are said to be swanlike in shape, but they are not swans. They are flying structures that are made of cintāmaṇi and travel by the power of pure consciousness.”[101]

The reader may at this point have made the connection between Vaikuṇṭha and nano-travel—correctly so, because they are one and the same. This must be the most convenient way of traveling long distances in space, but on the other hand, the so-called “long distance” is just a concept created by our limited 3-D minds, as distance in itself doesn’t exist. A travel from A to B is instantaneous. This is something that is very hard for us humans, at this time, to comprehend, as we clearly see that there is a distance between point A and point B. Nevertheless, with expanded, multidimensional minds, we will just laugh at such a concept as distance—it doesn’t compute.

Here is an example of nano-travel thousands of years ago. This is the story about Dhruva Maharaja, a king who is liberating himself from his material bondage. Before he boarded his Vimāna, the king acquired his spiritual body, here called the siddha-deha, which is the equivalent to what I have called the avatar, or the light-body, in previous papers. It is described in the Vedas as a bodily form made of spiritual energy, suitable for life in the Vaikuṇṭha atmosphere (the spiritual atmosphere, or the astral). Then the following happened:

While Dhruva Maharaja was passing through space, he gradually saw all the planets of the solar system, and on the path, he saw all the demigods in their airplanes showering flowers upon him like rain.

Dhruva Maharaja thus surpassed the seven planetary systems of the Great Sages who are known as Saptarsi. Beyond that region, he achieved the transcendental situation of permanent life in the planet where Lord Vishnu lives.[102]

We humans, as a collective, have a lot to learn when it comes to what is, and what isn’t, beyond the Earth’s atmosphere and our five senses that we so obsessively want to hang on to and refuse to expand. I would say, the sooner a person can start using his or her multidimensional senses, the easier the transition will be from the current reality that we experience as a mass consciousness to the probabilities that lie ahead of us.

For a while, I thought I was writing to all humanity, but I soon realized my mistake—I am not. I am simply writing to those who are willing to expand their multidimensional intelligence in spite of the discomfort this sometimes may bring on many levels—many truth-seekers know what I am talking about. However, it is sobering to come to terms with the fact that the majority of mankind will probably never even come close to reading anything similar to the papers I have freely handed over as a gift to humanity. This is sad, but a matter of fact, and as such, it has to be accepted.

Still, it’s very important to communicate to the remainder of mankind—the ones who are really willing to sacrifice some of the illusionary comforts others hold so dear. Some have to make greater sacrifices than others, but regardless, I salute you who have come this far and read the information up to this point. This is a “test” in itself—does the person have the willingness, the eagerness, and the focus necessary to do what it takes to learn what is necessary to know? If you read this now and have plowed through most of the papers from Level I and up at this point, still enthusiastic to learn more, I am sure you have what it takes!

In the next paper, we will learn in some details what happened when Lucifer and his Fallen Angels invaded planet Earth and what they did to the natives here. It will show how they treated the Namlú’u—the original humankind—after they had defeated Prince Ninurta’s troops, and it will also bring up what happened to the Vegans—Mother Goddess’ helpers—after the Invader Force defeated them in a subsequent cosmic war.


The purpose for this series of papers, as with anything and everything I have been writing, is to express my own conclusions, based on the research I have done. It must in no way be considered the ultimate truth and must not be considered anybody else’s truth until that person has thoroughly thought these things through and decided that he or she may agree with what I have concluded, in part or as a whole. If somebody does not agree, it must be that person’s right to individual thinking.

Moreover, I do not want any religion, cult, secret society, or followers to be created out of my material. Also, I am not a guru or a leader of any kind, and I refuse to be treated or viewed as such. At the most, I am a student of the unknown and the mystics who wants to teach and share my experiences and the knowledge I think that I have gained.

Thank you,






[6] Ibid.

[7] I need to explain this in 3-D terms, unfortunately, for it to be comprehensible. The reader should keep in mind that in reality, it’s not depicted that way. If I started talking in interdimensional terms, it would be very confusing. It’s a compromise I have to make.


[9] SB Canto 4.

[10] Ibid.

[11] Ibid.






[17] (SB 4.29.42-44, Purport.)













[30] I am using the female gender for the word soul simply because she is feminine in nature.


[32] Ibid.

[33] See “Rohini,” and the reference to Aldebaran. In one of the right columns, it lists the deity as “Brahma, or Prajapati, th Creator.” Brahma, in this case, is evidently Lord Vishnu, aka Lord           


[35] Thomson, 1995, p. 329.







[42] Ibid.

[43] Ibid.



[46] As I mentioned earlier, there are groups of beings that I haven’t cared to explain in any detail in these paper—the reason being that there are simply too many of them, and going into detail about each one of them would only confuse the matters, and the reader, I am sure, would have a hard time separating out who is who and what is what. I have, however, had the reader explore the most common groups of beings—the ones we are going to mention the most in the papers.


[48] Maya has multiple meanings in Sanskrit—one is illusion, but can also refer to a god Maya.



[51] Ibid.


[53] Ibid.


[55] Ibid.

[56] Bhāgavata Gita, 10.30





[61] Ibid.

[62] Ibid.

[63] Ibid.

[64] Ibid.

[65] Ibid.



[68] Richard L. Thompson, “Alien Identities,” p. 351ff.

[69] I doubt there are any readers who have followed me thus far, who haven’t heard about Whitley Strieber. Still, if not, I strongly advise those readers to read at least his first book, “Communion,” written in the 1980s. It’s definitely a classic in the field.

[70] Whitley Strieber, “Communion,” p. 241.

[71] Ibid., p. 210.

[72] Ibid., p. 214.

[73] Thompson, p. 354 op. cit.



[76] Srimad-Bhagavatam, SB Canto 4: SB 4.29.42-44, Purport. 




[80] Some say 1900 BCE because different scientists are in disagreement about the exact time frame.


[82] R N Iyengar, February 1, 2010, Revised, January 24, 2011: Dhruva the Ancient Indian Pole Star: Fixity, Rotation and Movement,

[83] Ibid.

[84] Ibid.

[85] Srimad-Bhagavatam, SB Canto 5.23.

[86] Filer’s File #28-2014.

[87] Stevens’ website:

[88] Thompson, pp. 258-59.

[89] Wendelle Stevens, 1982, pp. 77-78, op. cit. via Thompson, pp. 258-59.

[90] Śiva Purāṇa, 1991, p. 807, op. cit.

[91] Thompson, p. 259.

[92] Van Buitenen, 1975, p. 549, op. cit., via Thompson, pp. 259-60.

[93] Law of One—The RA Material, Session 43, Question 29.

[94] Bhaktivedanta, 1982a, Canto 4, Part 2, p. 182, op. cit.

[95] Thompson, pp. 268-69.

[96] Bhāgavata Purāṇa 3.26.32-44.

[97] Wheeler, 1962.

[98] Bhāgavata Purāṇa 3.26.34.

[99] Thompson, p. 269, op. cit.

[100] Thompson, p. 269, op. cit.

[101] Ibid., op. cit.

[102] Bhāgavata Purāṇa 4.12.34-35., op. cit.

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